Double the Online Ads? This Pill is Hard to Swallow.

by | Jan. 30, 2009

At the NATPE conference, shared new research data (conducted in partnership with Nielsen Media Research) that shows online TV viewers would tolerate double the current online ad placements. The research also revealed that increasing the number of brands as well as the commercials in an online TV program is not only effective but increases ad recall.

The first thing that comes to mind is…Really? I’m a big proponent of understanding what ad types and placements are most preferred by the viewer/consumer. For example, what ad formats/placements are most preferred online? What type of targeted TV commercial will increase engagement and decrease ad avoidance? Do consumers what to see ads on their mobile phone? And what type of mobile ad is most appealling? Does ad relevancy matter? The only true way to answer these questions is to consult the viewer/consumer.

Well, apparently and Nielsen have done just that because their research shows online TV viewers are okay with double the current commercial load in their online TV programs. Really? But then again, found somewhat similar results as detailed in this blog.

Will advertisers and/or ad agencies swallow this pill? According to the Ad Age article, Donna Speciale of MediaVest Worldwide warns the danger is finding “that very fine line and balance before we push them over the edge of being pissed.”

If you would like a small sample of what the viewer really thinks of’s new data read the Your Opinion section of the Ad Age article (see hyperlink above).

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