Thursday, May 16, 2019

40% of US broadband households own a connected health device

Ingersoll Rand, Life365, STRATIS IoT, Leviton, and more  to address connected health and energy management as adjacent ecosystems for the smart home at CONNECTIONS™

Parks Associates announced today the 23rd-annual CONNECTIONS™: The Premier Connected Home Conference, May 21-23 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, will feature key sessions examining the crossover opportunities between the smart home and adjacent ecosystems for residential energy and connected health. Parks Associates research finds 40% of US broadband households own a connected health device and 12% own a smart thermostat.

CONNECTIONS™ sessions focusing on these adjacent ecosystems include “Integrating Wellness into the Smart Home” and “Energy Management Solutions: Smart Home Crossover.” Speakers include:

Christopher Baskin, CEO, American Two-Way

Justin Berghoff, Director, Business Development & Product Management, Residential, Leviton Manufacturing Co.

Joseph Carangelo, Executive Director, Strategy and Innovation, Baker Electric Home Energy

Kent E. Dicks, CEO/Founder, Life365

Mel Fox, Product Owner, Nexia Home, Residential HVAC & Supply, Ingersoll Rand

James McPhail, CEO, Zen Ecosystems

Felicite Moorman, CEO, STRATIS IoT

Chris Otto, SVP, MobileHelp

Sharlene Sternberg, Marketing Manager, Sensoria

“Smart home technology is quickly adapting numerous connected health solutions. Now is the time to plan your go-to-market strategies,” said Christopher Baskin, CEO, American Two-Way.

“Technology and business model innovation continues to happen at an astounding rate,” said Justin Berghoff, Director, Business Development & Product Management, Residential, Leviton Manufacturing Co. “This innovation, compounded with policy and other valuable incentives, is finally connecting the ‘things’ in the residential energy management market.  Venues like Parks Associates’ CONNECTIONS™ provide the opportunity to learn in a few days as much as you can about these new innovations and policies that can positively affect climate change and drive adoption.”

“We’re very pleased to join the most promising companies and experts in the connected home space to further the conversation on smart home adoption and capabilities,” said James McPhail, CEO, Zen Ecosystems.  “The smart home environment still has untapped potential to create additional value for homeowners in the form of energy savings and ‘green’ benefits. The data compiled by these smart home devices can unearth some significant discoveries and help make a positive impact environmentally.”

“Our burgeoning global population is straining our housing supply worldwide. We must do everything we’re able to avoid a tangential energy crisis, and smart apartment technology is uniquely positioned to do so,” said Felicite Moorman, CEO, STRATIS IoT.

“One of the trends we’ve followed over the past couple years is the prominence of companies partnering in the healthcare industry,” said Chris Otto, SVP, MobileHelp. “This is a concept our company has been utilizing successfully from its inception, because we’ve found those partnerships have allowed us to achieve some of our longer-term objectives while creating higher-quality outcomes for our consumers, on both the retail and healthcare sides of our business.”

“Wearable sensors, microelectronics, and AI software solutions have the capability to transform IoT into a more personalized Internet of Me (IoMe) scenario, which can extend the reach of the clinician outside the lab, remotely monitor and improve patient adherence, speed recovery time post-surgery, and create a better overall experience,” said Sharlene Sternberg, Marketing Manager, Sensoria.

CONNECTIONS™ will host more than 650 high-level executives in an intimate networking environment and includes a mix of market research, analysis, and industry insight designed to capture the complexity and opportunities in these interconnected markets. 

CONNECTIONS™ sponsors include F-Secure,, Rapid Response Monitoring, Verisk, Amber, AmTrust Specialty Risk, Arlo, Audio Analytic, Ayla Networks, Bitdefender, Cirrent, Firedome, Johnson Controls, Lutron, Mnubo, Oaks Labs, PassiveBolt, Redpine Signals, Schlage,, Trusource Labs, ULE Alliance, Universal Electronics, Wi-Charge, Zigbee Alliance, Control4, Flo Technologies, Owlcam, Zen Ecosystems, HP, SAM Seamless Network, HelloTech, Inspire, and Alula. Connected Car Corner, by InstallerNet, will feature companies with specific solutions and technology for the connected car.  

For more information, visit To schedule an interview with an analyst or to request specific data, contact Sherrelle Lewis at [email protected], 972-996-0214.


Parks Associates' 27th annual CONNECTIONS™: The Premier Connected Home Conference features an in-person conference on May 23-25, 2023 and multiple virtual sessions hosted throughout 2023. The event focuses on the adoption of technology including smart home, security, connected health, energy, and home automation.

Bringing together more than 1,500 senior executives, CONNECTIONS™ provides networking opportunities combined with visionary keynotes and virtual sessions. The Parks Associates analyst team leads all conference sessions, which are focused on technology innovations, consumer adoption and trends, product and service forecasts, and the evaluation of new business strategies, partnerships, monetization opportunities, and value-added service design.

Throughout the event, sponsors offer demos during networking events, spotlighting new technology innovations and services for the entertainment, mobile, and smart home market segments.

CONNECTIONS™ 2023 features an in-person conference on May 23-25, 2023, with virtual sessions on March 2, July 20, and October 5. For more information, contact [email protected], call 972-490-1113, visit

Next: 56% of all light vehicles in the US will be actively connected cars by 2022
Previous: Parks Associates to host pre-conference workshop “Expanding the Smart Home Market” ahead of 23rd-annual CONNECTIONS


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