Device Fingerprinting capabilities now available to a wider audience!

by Parks Associates | May. 14, 2019

Content Submitted by Universal Electronics Inc.

Announcing the availability of a subset of QuickSet Cloud's APIs on RapidAPI - an API marketplace for developers with over 500,000 developers and 8,000 APIs! RapidAPI allows the developer community to find and connect to any API easily.

In an effort to empower the developer community, and foster innovation, we are making portions of our device knowledge graph that enables device fingerprinting capabilities through Predictive Engine, available to a much wider audience. Device fingerprinting is a technique where relevant data and features about a device are identified, extracted and profiled in order to uniquely identify devices within the home.

Read more about emerging applications of device fingerprinting powered by contextual understanding of nearby "things".

Enable new use cases by leveraging our API as a building block for built-in awareness about nearby devices.

The APIs that are made available, enable developers to create a range of interesting applications using device recognition across intelligent network scanning, intrusion detection, remote technical support, and many more. Whether you are a student looking to power up your app, or a developer building new and better use cases for a connected home, you can leverage our API as a building block to make smarter applications with built-in awareness about nearby devices. Check out what is made available to a greater audience here.

Next: The Rise of Voice Assistants in Home Control and Challenges Brands Face
Previous: Device Fingerprinting Across Home Networks


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