Health at Home – Healthcare Reaches New Heights

by Parks Associates | Mar. 23, 2022

The pandemic has forever changed the trajectory of healthcare and specifically virtual care. Before the pandemic, forward-thinking care providers and health systems were trialing virtual care solutions that could bridge the facility to the home, seeking connected care models that work for their systems and patients. Yet, prior to 2020 — connected health to the home or in the home was at the periphery of healthcare.

Parks Associates’ research reveals that as of April 2021, 66% of US broadband households are familiar with telehealth services compared to 50% in May 2020. Additionally, the use of telehealth services has more than quadrupled, increasing from 15% in 2019 to 64% in 2021. As more and more healthcare activities take place from home, passive continuous monitoring solutions and new technology such as artificial intelligence will be critical to communications between providers and patients. Further, new solutions that offer overnight monitoring will play a critical role in helping to fill the gaps, particularly in assessing patient deterioration or changes in health conditions.

Download the firm’s complimentary whitepaper Health at Home: New Era of Healthcare, in collaboration with EarlySense, to learn more about the state of the virtual care market, particularly the shift from facility-centric care to healthcare at home, including hospital-to-home, chronic care, post-discharge care, and remote diagnostic care.

Next: Key Trends Impacting Healthcare & The Connected Home: Insights from Equum Medical
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