Introducing App EcoSystem Research Services

by | Feb. 27, 2012

The App Ecosystem researches apps across mobile & digital home CE platforms & analyzes the impact of cross-platform app development & distribution. The App Ecosystem is impacting the entire connected consumer value chain. Parks Associates’ new App Ecosystem Research Service focuses on apps across mobile and digital home CE platforms, analyzing the impact of cross-platform app development and distribution over a variety of business areas: Creation and distribution of new content and services; Consumer interaction across multiple platforms; Connected and mobile CE adoption; and New entrants and value chains in the digital markets.

Topics of research include: Mobile app marketplace; Apps as part of a new content distribution/service innovation model; Emerging and disruptive business models in the app industry; and Creation, publication, aggregation, distribution of new apps. To find out more about Parks Associates' App Ecosystem or any of its additional reseach services, click here.

Tags: apps

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