Thursday, June 24, 2010

Femto World Summit is all smiles (mostly)

Residential Gateway News"The mobile data boom - and the increased demand on capacity it has led to - is the biggest challenge currently facing mobile networks," said Simon Saunders, chairman of the Femto Forum. "Femtocells represent the natural solution for offloading this data. They allow mobile operators to significantly improve the mobile broadband experience as well as their other services without incurring the costs that macro upgrades would require."

The Forum - which unlike some industry bodies focuses its research and activities firmly on real world experiences rather than technical and political debates - published its latest research, commissioned from Parks Associates, at the event. This found that awareness in the US market, where three cellcos now have femto services, remains low at only 10% of mobile consumers, but once explained, the technology and services appealed to 56%. Of those that were already aware of femtocells, a huge 89% found them appealing.

From the article, "Femto World Summit is all smiles (mostly)" by Wireless Watch

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