Louisville Courier-Journal

Monday, July 05, 2010

3-D TV sells- but it's no great craze

Paul Gagnon, an analyst with DisplaySearch, calculated that based on parent company NPD figures, about 20,000 of the flat-panel sets were sold by those major retailers.

That's a tiny number compared with the some 7 million TVs overall that were shipped to retailers around that time frame, according to the Consumer Electronics Association trade group.

And a recent Parks Associates study showed that despite the success of several recent 3-D movies, awareness of the home te ...read more

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Digital media players reaching out, sending content to your TV

Hard-drive companies are on a new mission to do more than just back up your data. Now they want to bring you and your digital content into the living room.

To expand beyond the basic drive, top manufacturers Seagate, Western Digital and Iomega have quietly introduced a new product category: the digital media player. The device is a vehicle for moving digital content from the computer to the living room; some of them don't even have a storage feature.

Meanwhile, the basic ...read more

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