M2M World News

Monday, September 09, 2013

White Paper: M2M Opportunities in Consumer Markets

In the healthcare industry, M2M connectivity offers a variety of benefits, from improved care to lower costs to more efficient services. Parks Associates believes that the aging-in-place market and home-based diagnostic & monitoring market represent the two biggest opportunities for carriers in the consumer M2M health space.

Two distinct trends are driving these opportunities:

1. People are living longer but not necessarily healthier. The aging population is a global phe ...read more

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Connected cars driving consumer M2M market as number of subscribers with embedded vehicle connectivity to double in 2013-2016

Connected cars are a significant area for consumer-based M2M (machine-to-machine) growth, according to new research from Parks Associates, which projects by 2017, 17.6 million consumers will subscribe to embedded connected vehicle services such as General Motors’ OnStar and Chrysler’s UConnect Access.

The international research firm predicts 47% of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. will have embedded cellular modules by 2017.

Parks Associates’ new report M2M: The Next Bi ...read more

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