Utility Dive

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Unlocking next-level consumer engagement and energy savings with the latest smart technology

At the beginning of 2018, Bloomberg noted that consumer demand for smart thermostats will steadily increase over the next five years, so we know the devices that have already been effective aren't going anywhere. The voice assistant industry is anticipated to generate revenues worth $7.8 billion by 2023, and according to Parks Associates, 75% of consumers who are planning to buy smart home devices value interoperability with other products.

From the article "Unlocking next-l ...read more

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

New DOE report outlines how utilities can best manage & market time-of-use rates

There's no doubt that time-of-use rates are gaining traction, and may well be on their way to being the new utility standard. “I'd love that,” Cappers said.

SMUD has said it intends to make TOU the customer standard by 2018, about a year after California as said it may move all utilities in that direction. And earlier this year The Tennessee Valley Authority announced it is also considering changing the way it charges for power as it looks to flatten out the utility's demand ...read more

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Adapting in an IoT World: Utility Partnerships

The Internet of Things, alongside the rising adoption of mobile devices, is driving the rapid expansion of the market for energy services within the smart home. Connectivity opens this sector to a variety of new players, including service providers, app developers, and device manufacturers. For utilities, smart devices open up many new opportunities to reduce consumption and shift load throughout the product lifetime, making them ideally suited for DR and EE programs.

The en ...read more

Friday, February 21, 2014

How Duke Energy is creating an 'energy advisor' business model

Like any other investor-owned utility facing disruption, Duke Energy has come to an existential fork in the road: New business models or no? For Duke, the nation’s largest electric utility, the answer seems to be a resounding yes.

Duke is exploring “new business areas to get in,” Denis Garman, leader of Duke Energy’s energy management and information solutions group, told Utility Dive at the Smart Energy Summit in Austin, Texas. “We’re really trying to rethink our value prop ...read more

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