360 View: Digital Media & Connected Consumers analyzes trends in video consumption by platform and source. It segments consumers based on their consumption habits and identifies changes in their consumption habits over the last four years and changes in the relative size of each segment.

The analysis includes a detailed profile of each segment and their attitudes towards video consumption and identifies CE devices that influence video consumption habits. The research drills downs into three specific issues related to video consumption: the influence of household members on video purchase decisions, the importance of original programming, and mobile video.

Publish Date: 2Q 2014

Slides: 148

Authored By:
John Barrett - Director of Consumer Analytics
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
Brett Sappington - Senior Research Director and Principal Analyst
Ruby-Ren Bond - Research Analyst
David Mitchel - Research Analyst

Published by Parks Associates
© December 2014 Parks Associates | Dallas, Texas 75248

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