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Pre-Show Workshop - OTT Market Disruption & Capturing Audiences

The ongoing evolution of the video continues to reshape competition, offerings, and consumption habits. The pace of change has accelerated, with market shifts measured in weeks rather than years. Companies are struggling to adapt quickly enough to keep pace. This workshop addresses the impact of disruption today, how it will reshape video’s future, and how companies can best prepare, with analyst insights supported by Parks Associates' latest consumer research.

Agenda - December 10

1:00 P.M. Welcome: Consumer Trends and State of the Market

The video entertainment industry is evolving across global markets as new technologies, services, and consumption habits reshape marketing, business models, and partnerships. This research presentation highlights leading trends in the video entertainment industry and strategies for companies to thrive in this changing ecosystem.

Brett Sappington, Senior Research Director, Parks Associates

1:10 P.M. Future for Online Pay TV

The rise of online pay-TV services and the decline of traditional pay-TV services are the hottest topics in the video industry today. This research presentation examines the current state and growth trajectory of online pay-TV services and its impact on pay-TV and OTT subscribership.

Brett Sappington, Senior Research Director, Parks Associates

1:30 P.M. Disruptive Consumption: Adapting for Evolving Habits

Steadily increasing access and device options continue to drive change in consumer viewing patterns, particularly among millennials and Generation Z. These changes in usage are reshaping the marketplace for pay TV, OTT, and the content industry. In this session, Parks Associates and key industry leaders explore the decline in linear viewing, the rise of OTT, and other trends altering the landscape for video services.

Darren Lepke, Marketing Director, Verizon Digital Media Services

Colin Petrie-Norris, Chief Executive Officer, XUMO

Dan Reich, Senior Vice President, Multiplatform Product Strategy & Development, Viacom International

Benjamin Vallat, Vice President, Business Development and Strategic Partnerships, Twitch

Moderator: Jennfier Kent, Director, Research Quality & Product Development, Parks Associates 

2:15 P.M. Esports and Millennials: A League of Their Own

Esports is growing from a small, niche community of enthusiasts to a global phenomenon. This presentation offers detailed profiles of esports viewers, examines the reasons and opportunities for companies to invest in esports, and notes strategies and considerations for success in esports.

Billy Nayden, Research Analyst, Parks Associates

2:30 P.M. Coffee Break

2:45 P.M. Connected Platforms: How the Living Room Comes Together

The emergence and popularity of voice assistant ecosystems from companies such as Amazon and Google are creating new entertainment “platforms” and consumer experiences that extend to multiple devices in the living room. This panel discusses the latest platform developments and strategies for service providers, content producers, and hardware players to stay ahead and maintain a strong footprint.

Scott Hancock, VP Marketing, Plex

Nandhu Nandhakumar, PhD, SVP, Office of the CTO, LG Electronics / LG Technology Center of America

Ravi Viswanathan, Strategic Partnerships Lead of Telco and Video Distribution, Google

Mitch Weinraub, Director - Advanced Video Products, Dish / AirTV

Moderator: Kristen Hanich, Research Analyst, Parks Associates

3:45 P.M. Voice: Bridging the Connected Lifestyle

Intelligent voice assistants – in smart speakers, remote controls, smart phones, and a growing list of home devices – are transforming how consumers interact with the devices in their homes and services in their lives. Voice integrations and skill sets are expanding continuously, adding value to the platform while also improving the user experience for those devices and services that integrate. In this presentation Parks Associates presents primary consumer research illustrating consumer awareness, perception, and use of voice assistants and smart speakers and highlights the opportunity for voice to bridge currently disparate experiences in consumers’ homes.

Jennifer Kent, Director, Research Quality & Product Development, Parks Associates

4:00 P.M. Networking Break

4:15 P.M. Market Consolidation and the Future of Video

Roles within the video industry have been blurring for years, with content producers, service providers, and technology innovators increasingly expanding into each other’s areas. This change has been exacerbated by consolidation within the video industry that has created large, vertically integrated companies that operate in all areas. This research presentation explores the changing roles of key players within the industry and the impact of these integrated companies upon key aspects of the video ecosystem.

Billy Nayden, Research Analyst, Parks Associates

4:30 P.M. Marketing and Merchandising of Video

Capturing the attention and spending of consumers is a challenge in a crowded marketplace that reaches across screens and use cases. As a result, companies are reassessing their approach to branding, messaging, and positioning of video content and services. This session explores the new era of marketing and merchandising for video entertainment.

Nii Addy, Head of Marketing, Philo

Renato Bonomini, VP of Technical Services, ContentWise

Chad Ludwig, Head of Brand Marketing, Fandango

Jordan Mitchell, Video Producer, Senior Associate, Bateman Group 

Seth Schachner, Managing Director, Strat Americas

Moderator: Brett Sappington, Senior Research Director, Parks Associates

5:15 P.M. Opening Reception: Wine and Cheese

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