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All times are in Central Time Zone (US)

Parks Associates is now reviewing speaker submissions for 2023. Submit to speak for an upcoming session.

Virtual Sessions

Jun 15  Solar Power: Transformation of Home Energy

Aug 17  State of the Home Energy Management Market

Nov 9  Distributed Energy Management

2023 In-person Conference | FEB 13-15, Omni Hotel Downtown, Austin, Texas

Feb 13  Research Workshop: Growing Smart Energy Opportunity – Top Trends

Feb 1Building the Future of Energy

Feb 15  Creating Energy Efficiency and Savings Through Technology

2022 In-person Conference | FEB 28-MAR 2, Omni Hotel, Frisco, Texas

Feb 28 Research Workshop - Residential Energy Management: Consumer Engagement Strategies

Mar 1 Distributed Energy and the Connected Home

Mar 2 Distribution and Channels for Energy Management

Past Virtual Sessions

Apr 7 State of Residential Energy Management

Jun 30 Home Energy Management Solutions: Driving Energy Savings

Aug 4 Electric Vehicles: A New Era for Consumers

Nov 17 Distributed Energy and New Value: Shifting from a Centralized Grid


2023 Events and Sessions

Thursday, Jun. 15


Solar Power: Transformation of Home Energy

11:00 AM CT

Welcome & Analyst Insight

11:15 AM CT

Fireside Chat: Visionary Spotlight

11:45 AM CT

Solar, Batteries, and the Grid: Consumers and Home Energy Management

Steven Blumenfeld, Senior Director, EV Vertical Lead, Arcadia Power

Austin Kennedy, Strategic Sales Manager, Alarm.com

Anne Ferguson, Chief Marketing Officer, Nomo

Moderator: Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

12:45 PM CT

Closing Comments


Thursday, Aug. 17


State of the Home Energy Management Market

11:00 AM CT

Welcome & Analyst Insight

11:15 AM CT

Smart Energy Devices and Services

12:00 PM CT

Fireside Chat: Visionary Spotlight

12:30 PM CT

Closing Comments


Thursday, Nov. 9


Distributed Energy Management

2:00 PM CT

Welcome & Analyst Insight

2:15 PM CT

EVs: Energy Management Threat or Asset?

Carter Li, CEO and Co-Founder, SWTCH Energy

John Romero, VP Electric Vehicle Solutions, Landis & Gyr

3:00 PM CT

Fireside Chat: Visionary Spotlight

3:30 PM CT

Closing Comments

All times are in Central Time Zone (US)

Past Events and Sessions

Feb 13-15, 2023 | Austin, TX


Monday, February 13 | Pre-Conference Research Workshop: Growing Smart Energy Opportunity – Top Trends

12:00 PM

Registration Open

1:00 PM

Selling to Consumers: The Buyer Journey

The standard smart home buyer journey today is via retail, often one device at a time, creating an experience where consumers are using multiple apps to control their devices. Therefore, control is not unified, and data is often not shared among devices, creating a disjointed consumer experience and difficulty connected energy-saving desires and behaviors with the broader smart home experience.

These conditions have inhibited wider adoption of smart energy solutions and delayed transition of the smart home market into the mass market. Some higher levels of control are available via smart home hubs, security providers, service providers, custom installments, and master smart home apps, but consumers want a more unified experience, with integrated automation and intelligence. This session highlights key trends in the customer buyer journey, based on Parks Associates research of 10,000 internet households, and where there are opportunities to realize this unified experience.

Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates

1:15 PM

Research Presentation - Multifamily and SMB: Growing Opportunities 

Many people live in apartments and expect new technologies, including always-on broadband and energy management solutions. This session addresses the growing opportunities in the small-to-medium business (SMB) and apartment sectors, including the energy solutions, analytics, platforms, and services.

Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

1:30 PM

Industry Panel: Building the Energy Infrastructure at Home and Away

The next few years represent a challenging but critical time for players in energy and connected technology industries to determine how the rise of energy management solutions will impact their industries and customer segments. This session addresses how companies are supporting the future infrastructure for solar, and electric vehicles.

Jennifer Doctor, Senior Director, Product Management, Johnson Controls

Nadav Liebermann, VP Innovation and Data, SAM Seamless Network

Chloe Mayhew, Program Manager, Residential, Consortium for Energy Efficiency

Wayne Morrison, Principal, Smart Energy, Reliant Energy

James Rosenberg II, Director Of Business Development Asia Pacific, Blink Charging

Gerald Zingraf, Director, Solution Engineering and Sales Enablement, GridPoint

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

2:45 PM

Networking Break

3:15 PM

Research Presentation:  Data Analytics and Measuring Energy Management

Utility companies are making a concerted effort to share more data with their customers: more than 50% of consumers receive a daily breakdown of their energy consumption from their energy provider, up from 31% at the end of 2020.

Innovations in energy devices and platforms allow utilities to supercharge this effort, giving energy providers the ability to deliver more detailed and useful real-time energy information and extend into control and conservation services that reach “the other side of the meter.”

Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

3:30 PM

Special Session: How to create a sustainable innovation engine to capitalize on the energy transition

The energy transition presents a unique opportunity to grow by efficiently addressing the needs of a rapidly changing market. But with the complexity of the Energy Industry, including so many use cases, markets, technologies, and regulations, getting started can be daunting.

In this session, you’ll learn a structured approach to building an innovation engine that produces repeatable results, accelerates growth, and reduces the risk of costly mistakes.

Whether you are planning a brand-new product, developing a new module, building a line extension, or expanding to a new market, you’ll walk away with an actionable blueprint you can apply at your company today. This session is based on Daniel’s bestselling book, The B2B Innovator’s Map.

Daniel Elizalde, Product Executive & Advisor to Climate Tech, Daniel Elizalde LLC

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

4:00 PM

Giving up Control: Energy Devices and Consumer Views

For many utilities, participation in DR programs is critically important during peak times. Recruiting and engaging consumers are key to ensure success. Getting the incentives right is key to maximizing participation and minimizing cost. This research presentation highlights how consumers perceive utility control and what incentives work to gain consumer participation.

Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

4:15 PM

Industry Panel: Energy Management: Educating the Consumer and the Industry

Artificial intelligence and big data applications can continually add more value to smart home and IoT solutions at the application level, often without requiring substantive hardware changes. This session features industry leaders sharing various methods to help educate the industry and consumer market on the value of energy management solutions and AI tech-enabled applications and services.

Joel Berntsen, Vice President of Strategy and Partnerships, Vutility

Bruce Brazis, Account Executive, Customer to Grid Solutions, APS - Arizona Public Service

Dr. Robert F Cruickshank III, Managing Member, GRIDIoT Power Networks

Kenneth Wacks, President, Home, Building, and Utility Systems

Moderator: Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

5:15 PM

Opening Reception

Tuesday, February 14 | Distributed Energy and the Connected Home

7:30 AM

Registration Open

7:30 AM

Questline Digital - Smart Energy Summit sponsorBreakfast
Sponsored by Questline Digital

8:15 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates

8:30 AM

Schneider Electric - Smart Energy Summit sponsorWhat’s Driving Growth: Distributed Energy and Load Management 

In general, integration with smart home solutions delivers four key benefits to utilities and energy providers: increased consumer engagement with energy management programs, facilitation of smart product integration in demand response programs, increased adoption of smart products for use in energy management, and increased program awareness through cross-marketing efforts. This session highlights the state of the energy management markets, including the impact on the consumer, utility, and connected home industries.

Luis Castro, Business Development Manager - Utilities, Enel X Way

Brad Davids, Head of Utility Business Development, Span.io

Doug Middleton, Head of Business Development, Leap

Daniel Richmond, Senior Manager - Solar and EVs, Green Mountain Energy

Tammy Schneider, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Brookfield Residential

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates

9:15 AM


Austin Energy - Smart Energy Summit keynote

Karl Popham

Manager, Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies

Austin Energy


Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

9:45 AM

Google - Smart Energy Summit sponsorNetworking Break
Sponsored by Google

10:30 AM

CSA - Smart Energy Summit sponsorHome Energy Management: Driving Energy Efficiency

Energy management includes many value propositions that can be delivered as part of a broader smart home solution. The market for energy management solutions has just started to take off, but energy companies are highly motivated to invest in solutions and offerings that provide more energy efficiency and automation in homes. This session examines the emerging energy management capabilities and the opportunity for different channels to provide energy management services and to tie efficiency solutions to a variety of products, including smart lights, pool pumps, smart blinds, and smart fans.

Aaron Berndt, Head of Energy Industry Partnerships / Americas, Google

Dan Forman, CEO, Copper Labs

Christopher LaPré, Head of Technology, CSA - Connectivity Standards Alliance

David Oberholzer, General Manager, Energy Management, Resideo

Bob Swilik, VP of Product Strategy, Aeroseal

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

11:30 AM

Rapid Response Monitoring - Smart Energy SummitIoT Solutions: Demand Response Flexibility

Utilities can leverage the growing number of distributed energy and smart home products and services to help manage the grid. As the adoption of distributed generation expands and daily load profiles resemble the duck curve, aligning consumption with local supply will become critical to grid operation.

The question for utilities and energy providers is how to integrate smart home and distributed energy resources into the grid. This session examines the incentives are needed for consumers to engage in utility programs and operate their home in a way that is aligned with the needs of the grid operator.

Bruce Brazis, Account Executive, Customer to Grid Solutions, APS - Arizona Public Service

Justin Chamberlain, Manager of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response, CPS Energy

Dr. Robert F Cruickshank III, Managing Member, GRIDIoT Power Networks

Morgan Hertel, Vice President of Technology & Innovation, Rapid Response Monitoring Services

Andrew Spielman, Director of Business Development, Tuya Smart

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates

12:30 PM

Resideo - Smart Energy SummitNetworking Lunch
Sponsored by Resideo

1:30 PM

Questline Digital - Smart Energy SummitFuture of Vehicles: EVs, Charging, and Consumers

EV adoption is entering a new phase. As consumer familiarity rises, incentives and regulatory policies continue to drive increased adoption and interest. EV owners are much more likely to have smart home solutions at home, including two times more likely to have a smart thermostat and video doorbell compared to the general population. These ownership stats open more opportunities among device and car manufacturers for increased integration and new services. This session addresses the future of electric vehicles, including growth in charging stations.

Cosmin Dumitrescu, Director of Product, Fermata Energy

Bethany Farchione, Marketing Director, Questline Digital

Max Parness, Senior Manager - Grid Services, Toyota

Sadia Raveendran, Senior Director, Industry Solutions, AutoGrid

Kevin Schwain, Senior Director, Electric Vehicles, EnergyHub

Moderator: Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

2:30 PM

Fireside Chat

EnergyHub Smart Energy Summit Keynote

Erika Diamond

SVP, Head of Customer Solutions



Moderator: Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates

3:00 PM

Google - Smart Energy Summit sponsorNetworking Break
Sponsored by Google

3:30 PM

Beyond Energy Services:  Multidwelling Living

Nearly 75% of MDU property managers and owners are very concerned about residents wasting energy, so they are highly motivated to adopt energy management solutions, including smart thermostats, smart outlets, smart lights, and connected HVAC systems. These solutions can help managers reduce OPEX; for example, they can remotely adjust lighting and temperatures in unoccupied units via smart lighting and energy management system, a top value proposition. This session addresses the role of integrated systems in the future of apartment living and building ownership.

Luis Castro, Business Development Manager - Utilities, Enel X Way

Daniel Elizalde, Product Executive & Advisor to Climate Tech, Daniel Elizalde LLC

Rick Goldberg, Vice President of Sales, Arize

Moderator: Jason Paris, VP, Business Development, Parks Associates

4:15 PM

Keynote: Consumers Will Build the Future of Energy

GAF Energy - Smart Energy Summit keynote

Martin DeBono


GAF Energy


Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

4:45 PM

Austin EnergyEnergy as a Service and New Business Models

Forward-thinking utilities are investigating strategies to integrate multiple devices and aggregate data to deliver a truly comprehensive and actionable picture to consumers of their household energy consumption. These offerings will help build positive consumer engagement, open avenues to expand service portfolios, and ultimately generate new revenues, even as energy consumption is reduced. This session addresses market expansion and growth in energy services, new business models, and partnership success.

Gerrianna Cohen, Demand Response Strategy Manager, Con Edison

Geoff Ferrell, Vice President of VPP and C&I Project Business, sonnen

Scott Hammond, Member Programs Manager, Central Electric Power Cooperative

Donald McPhail, General Manager, Residential Business Line, Uplight

Moderator: Jason Paris, VP, Business Development, Parks Associates

5:30 PM

Networking Reception

Wednesday, February 15 | Creating Energy Efficiency and Savings Through Technology

7:45 AM

Registration Open

8:00 AM

Austin Energy - Smart Energy Summit sponsorBreakfast
Sponsored by Austin Energy

8:30 AM

Opening Comments and Welcome

The convergence of technological advances, energy awareness and concerns, and growing demand is driving adoption of smart home solutions that can deliver new solutions in the energy sector. Parks Associates presents research and analysis highlighting the key benefits for energy providers and builders when they incorporate smart products into their offerings.

Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

8:45 AM

Building Energy-Efficient Homes: What Builders Want

For home builders, smart technology delivers multiple benefits—financially and through market differentiation. Both builders and home buyers alike are appreciative of energy-saving rebates as well as the longer-term benefits of lower energy bills. From a sales and marketing perspective, newer smart homes offer additional lifestyle benefits such as built-in security, energy management, and entertainment control.

Erik J. Bernal, CEO, Elite Water Systems

Kendall Goshorn, Director of Business Development, HomePro

Anwar Khalifa, President, Pyramid Homes

David Klatt, COO, Logical Buildings

Greg Wolfson, CTO, EcoSmart Solution

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

9:45 AM

Keynote: Vehicle-Grid Integration for the Nation’s Largest Open DC Fast Charging Network

Electrify America - Smart Energy Summit 2023

Jigar Shah
Head of Energy Services
Electrify America


Moderator: Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates

10:15 AM

Google - Smart Energy Summit sponsorNetworking Break
Sponsored by Google

10:45 AM

Solar: Renewable, Resilient, Communal

The utility industry is moving aggressively towards building its renewable energy portfolio, and consumers are gaining interest in renewable sources of energy and energy management. This session addresses the opportunities for growth in the solar industry, including downward pricing pressure on solar panels, batteries, and smart home devices, and emergence of the “smart energy consumer.”

Shankar Achanta, Vice President of Products, Sunnova Energy

Keally DeWitt, Vice President, Marketing & Public Policy, GAF Energy

JP Ross, VP, Local Development, Electrification and Innovation, East Bay Community Energy (EBCE)

Will Shippee, Manager - Strategic Solar Accounts, Schneider Electric

Eamonn Urey, Product Manager, Salt River Project

Moderator: Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

11:45 AM

Fireside Chat

CPS Energy - Smart Energy Summit keynote

KJ Feder

Vice President of Community Impact

CPS Energy


Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

12:15 PM

Networking Lunch

1:15 PM

Copper Labs - Smart Energy SummitOptimizing Control with Energy Data 

Energy monitoring and management services create clear value for consumers, and data analytics is driving new value-added services and opportunities for new business models. As solutions move from monitoring and reporting to providing recommendations and automation, consumer interest increases. This session examines new opportunities for utilities and energy providers around next-generation energy monitoring and energy management solutions.

Dr. Aimee Gotway Bailey, Director, Innovation & Portfolio Management, National Grid Partners

Joel Berntsen, Vice President of Strategy and Partnerships, Vutility

Shawn Peterson, Sales Manager, Energy, ecobee

Essie Snell, Head of Product Marketing, Copper Labs

Kenneth Wacks, President, Home, Building, and Utility Systems

Moderator: Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

2:15 PM


Jonathan Thompson - Smart Energy Summit keynote

Jonathan "J.T." Thompson

SVP, Sales

Generac Grid Services


Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

3:00 PM

Calix - Smart Energy Summit sponsorHome Services Revenue Opportunities

Key to the future progress of the home energy management market is the ability for players across many industries to deliver a unified experience through new services. Accomplishing that goal requires complex integration, extensive partnerships, and a focus on the consumer experience.

David Chang, Chief Digital Officer, eIQhome

Jennifer Doctor, Senior Director, Product Management, Johnson Controls

Nadav Liebermann, VP Innovation and Data, SAM Seamless Network

David Oberholzer, General Manager, Energy Management, Resideo

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates


Thursday, Apr. 7


State of Residential Energy Management

This session addresses the changing markets for residential energy management, including consumer adoption and engagement, and new partnerships driving the growth of demand response programs.

11:00 AM CT

Welcome & Analyst Insight

Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

11:15 AM CT

The Future of Energy: A Paradigm Shift

Major changes in the energy landscape point to a paradigm shift in how consumers will manage their home energy in the future. This session addresses the new requirements for active consumer participation in energy savings will drive the transformation of energy consumption.

Jamie Haenggi, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, ADT Solar

Geoff Martin, President & Co-founder, vipHomeLink

Anne Arquit Niederberger, PhD, SVP Market Development, Enervee

Akash Sah, Chief Procurement Officer, Brinks Home

Paul Wezner, VP, Product and Customer Success, Powerley

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

12:00 PM CT

Fireside Chat / Executive Q&A

Bruce Sher, Head of Business Development, LG Electronics

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

12:30 PM CT

Expanding Adoption: Smart Thermostats and Utility Partnerships

This session addresses the successful partnerships driving the adoption and use of smart thermostats, including consumer engagement strategies and successful utility programs.

Boris Besner, CEO, Okos Smart Homes

Kari Binley, Senior Manager, Energy Partnerships, ecobee Energy

Abigail Daken, Environmental Engineer, ENERGY STAR Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Chuan He, Director of Product Management, Wyze Labs

Shawn White, Director, Commercial & Industrial Programs, Xcel Energy

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, Vice President of Research, Parks Associates

1:30 PM CT

Closing Comments


Feb 28-Mar 2 | Omni Frisco Hotel


Monday, February 28 | Research Workshop Residential Energy Management: Consumer Engagement Strategies

12:00 PM

Registration Open - Star Ballroom Foyer

1:00 PM

Consumer Adoption Trends & Analyst Q&A - Star Ballroom BC

This research presentation includes a state of the market view of energy management including the adoption of energy devices, interest in utility programs and services, and the role of distributed energy resources on the grid.

Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

1:30 PM

Driving Awareness and Adoption of Energy Management - Star Ballroom BC

Smart home product energy-saving features are beneficial for energy providers and consumers. This session addresses new ways to drive adoption and awareness through device and service features, incentives and rewards, and new use cases.

Bob Champagne, Vice President, Customer Experience Innovation, Smart Energy Water

James Jackson, Director, Energy and Utility Partnerships, Emerson

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

2:15 PM

The Modern Grid: New Approaches to Load Shaping - Star Ballroom BC

The new ANSI/SCTE 276 electric load shaping standard enables highly scalable consumer engagement with easily adoptable, interoperable technologies. This session addresses a new way for electricity demand to follow low-cost, decarbonized supply without customer sign-up, opt-in, or two-way communications.

Robert Cruickshank, Chief Technology Officer, GRIDIoT® by RCA

2:45 PM

Consumer Energy Services: Expanding Partnerships and Integrating Platforms - Star Ballroom BC

Partnerships with digital platform solutions allow energy providers to offer new products, such as dashboards that help consumers understand consumption and recommend ways to save energy. This session addresses how providers can facilitate integration with smart home products, enabling products to be used in demand response programs or to create and drive awareness through co-marketing activities.

Joel Berntsen, Vice President of Strategy and Partnerships, Vutility

Robert Cruickshank, Chief Technology Officer, GRIDIoT® by RCA

Josh Teekell, Founder & CEO, SmartAC.com, Inc.

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

3:45 PM

Break - Star Ballroom Foyer

4:00 PM

Focusing on the Edge of the Smart Grid - Star Ballroom BC

Throughout most of the twentieth century public policy and regulations encouraged utilities to expand the supply of electric power. The expansion of utilities worldwide has been a major achievement. However, technology and environmental conditions are changing with profound effects on the utility industry.

Electricity generation is gradually shifting to the edge of the grid with local power generated from wind and solar at homes, buildings, and community sites. These shifts are motivated by technology changes and public demands to ensure the essential role of electricity continues, but from a diversity of sources that are more reliable, resilient to climate change, less polluting, and affordable than depending on a single utility.

This presentation introduces the development of distributed energy resources (wind, solar, and storage) and methods for integrating local and public sources of power. Automation tools for consumers to manage energy will be discussed including the Energy Management Agent (EMA) using artificial intelligence.  The EMA is based on an international standard (ISO/IEC), as will be explained.

Kenneth Wacks, President, Home, Building, and Utility Systems

4:15 PM

Consumers: Data, AI, and Personalization - Star Ballroom BC

Utilities that are quick to establish their role in distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) will have valuable insights behind the meter, into new revenue and business opportunities with connected consumers and their households. Smart device and system manufacturers also are accumulating an incredible amount of data for insight into household patterns and opporutnities. This session highlights the role of data to improve consumers’ insights into their home energy use, help manage churn and create stickiness for customers through analytics, savings, and personal preferences.

David Chang, Chief Digital Officer, EIQhome

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, Vice President of Research, Parks Associates

5:15 PM

Closing Comments - Star Ballroom BC

Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

5:30 PM

Smart Energy Summit Opening Reception - Star Ballroom Foyer

Tuesday, March 1 | Distributed Energy Resources: Expanding Awareness

7:30 AM

Registration Open - Star Ballroom Foyer

7:30 AM

Breakfast - Star Ballroom A

8:15 AM

Welcome and State of the Industry - Star Ballroom BC

Parks Associates sets the stage with an overview of the residential energy management market, including the latest market adoption trends for energy devices and services.

Jennifer Kent, Vice President of Research, Parks Associates

8:30 AM

Consumer Engagement: What’s Working and What’s Not - Star Ballroom BC

This session brings industry leaders together to share successful strategies driving adoption of energy management solutions, including new partnerships, data-driven insights and analytics, and use cases.

David Cohen-Tanugi, Head of Devices & Automation, OhmConnect

Drew Higgins, Senior Director, CPS Energy

Paul McDonald, Senior Director of Product Strategy & Marketing, Oracle Utilities

Don McPhail, VP of Product, General Manager - Engage Business Line, Uplight

Ansul Rajgharia, Director, Connected Products and Surge, Schneider Electric

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

9:30 AM

Keynote - Star Ballroom BC

Aaron Berndt, Energy Industry Partnerships / America, Google, Keynote

Aaron Berndt
Head of Energy Industry Partnerships / Americas


Moderator: Jennifer Kent, Vice President of Research, Parks Associates

10:00 AM

Networking Break - Star Ballroom Foyer

10:30 AM

Demand Response and Energy Efficiency: Understanding Consumer Behaviors - Star Ballroom BC

Energy-savings features are most important to consumers, and there is a wiliness to pay for services that quantify savings. This session addresses how consumers view demand response programs and energy-efficient devices and services.

Luis Castro, Utility Business Development Manager, Enel X North America

Dan Forman, CEO, Copper Labs

Wayne Morrison, Principal, Smart Energy, Reliant Energy

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

11:15 AM

Rapid Response - Smart Energy Summit sponsor Securty SessionEnergy and Security: Bundled Services and Added Value - Star Ballroom BC

Early Adopters and innovators own more connected products, including home security systems and connected HVAC systems. This session addresses the opportunity for bundled services between HVAC and home security providers, including challenges and opportunities for integrated solutions.

Phillip Fite, Product Management & Innovation, Direct Energy US, NRG Energy

Dan Goodman, President, Building36, an Alarm.com company

Morgan Hertel, Vice President of Technology & Innovation, Rapid Response Monitoring

Matthew Robbins, VP of Global Product Management, Resideo

Sam Wynn, Senior Vice President, ZOME Energy Networks / Z-Wave Alliance

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, Vice President of Research, Parks Associates

12:00 PM

Networking Lunch - Star Ballroom A

1:00 PM

Smart Apartments: Creating New Value and Scaling Up - Star Ballroom BC

Parks Associates research finds that nearly three-fourths of property managers and owners are very concerned about residents wasting energy. This session addresses the smart home solutions that reduce OPEX, including access management and control, energy management, and automated risk mitigation.

Jeremy McLerran, Sr Director Marketing, Security Products, Johnson Controls

Felicite Moorman, Founder, STRATIS; VP of CommunityConnect, RealPage

James Muraca, CTO, Enersponse

Wannie Park, CEO, Zen Ecosystems

Moderator: Jason Paris, Vice President, Business Development, Parks Associates

2:00 PM

Keynote - Star Ballroom BC

TXU keynote - Smart Energy Summit

Samudra Sen

Vice President – Vistra and TXU Solutions

TXU Energy


Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

2:30 PM

Networking Break - Star Ballroom Foyer

3:00 PM

Electric Vehicles: Next Stages of Growth - Star Ballroom BC

Just one-quarter of broadband households report they are “very” familiar with electric vehicles despite a growing number of products on the market. This session addresses the rising adoption of EV’s and implications for the smart grid, including leading inhibitors and drivers of adoption.

Bill Policastro, VP of Grants, Business Development, and Account Management, Blink Charging

Chuck Ray, US Business Development Director, ev.energy

Kevin Schwain, Sr. Director, EV Strategy, EnergyHub

Jigar Shah, Head of Energy Services, Electrify America

Chris Vargas, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Chargie

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

4:00 PM

Keynote - Star Ballroom BC

Sadia - AutoGrid keynote - Smart Energy Summit

Sadia Raveendran

Senior Director of Industry Solutions



Moderator: Jennifer Kent, Vice President of Research, Parks Associates

4:30 PM

Selling Energy Efficiency: Simplifying the Experience - Star Ballroom BC

Connected products can deliver advanced control, optimization, and monitoring to reduce operating costs and simplify or enhance specific tasks. New solutions are beginning to emerge, providing consumers with a simple way to buy new energy-efficient products like thermostats. This session examines efforts for utilities to expand their footprint beyond traditional energy services, dissects past efforts, and details new services made possible with the addition of smart home products.

Bob Champagne, Vice President - Customer Experience Innovation, Smart Energy Water

David Chang, Chief Digital Officer, EIQhome

Jonathan Coons, Director of Marketing & Direct Sales, Energy Federation Inc.

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

5:00 PM

Consumers and Distributed Energy Resources (DER): Impact on the Grid - Star Ballroom BC

Consumers, builders, and MDU property owners show rising interest in solar, storage, and smart energy platforms that can participate in the increasingly decentralized electricity grid. Utilities that are quick to establish their role in distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) have valuable insights behind the meter, into new revenue and business opportunities with connected consumers and their households. This session discusses the changing dynamics of energy generation, storage, and distribution, the impact for home builders and community planners, and how utilities can lay the foundation for their future profit and participation.

Brad Davids, Head of Utility Business Development, Span.io

Matt Leckey, Business Development Director, Utility Programs, Cpower

Brad Stutzman, CEO, O3 Energy

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

5:30 PM

Networking Reception - Star Ballroom Foyer

Wednesday, March 2 | Distribution and Channels for Energy Management

7:45 AM

Registration Open - Star Ballroom Foyer

7:45 AM

Breakfast - Star Ballroom A

8:30 AM

Opening Comments and Welcome - Star Ballroom BC

Clean energy initiatives are a spotlight in today’s society. This opening presentation addresses the growing role of energy for consumers and small to medium business, including concerns about cost, energy savings, and the role of energy consumption.

Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

8:45 AM

Consumers and Net Zero Homes - Star Ballroom BC

New building standards require new construction homes to combine renewable energy solutions with high building performance to achieve zero energy consumption. This session addresses how the industry is working to bring the vision of Net Zero homes to life, including insight into new technology, marketing to consumers, and analytics.

Kris Bowring, Vice President Radical Innovation and Development, Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

Hamid Farzaneh, CEO, Alea Labs

Steve Herbert, Director of Business Development, Samsung SmartThings

Alan Hoffmann, President, Hoffmann Homes

Stan Pipkin, Executive Advisor, Co-Founder, Bodhi

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

9:45 AM

Keynote - Decarbonizing Energy Management: It Takes a Village! - Star Ballroom BC

Constellation - Smart Energy Summit 2022 keynote

Mike Wajsgras

Executive Director Innovation, Growth and Digital & Managing Director Constellation Connect

Constellation Energy


This keynote session addresses an ecosystem approach to a customer-focused journey towards a carbon-free lifestyle, with highlights on the importance of education, awareness, and product choice to achieve a more sustainable future.

Moderator: Jason Paris, Vice President, Business Development, Parks Associates

10:15 AM

Networking Break - Star Ballroom Foyer

10:45 AM

SMBs: Energy Management Solutions - Star Ballroom BC

As more IT products, components, and systems become more capable of interacting with the ecosystem around them, SMBs can leverage benefits through an integrated approach and the data rich insights obtained. This session addresses the role of energy management solutions in reducing energy consumption and cost savings.

Erik J. Bernal, CEO, Elite Water Systems

Joel Berntsen, Vice President of Strategy and Partnerships, Vutility

Tom Brennan, CEO, Sol-Ark

Tray Leslie, Renewable Development Manager - Customer Engagement, Georgia Power

Jason Rodriguez, CEO, Zpryme

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, Vice President of Research, Parks Associates

11:30 AM

Keynote - Star Ballroom BC

James Jackson - Emerson - Smart Energy Summit keynote

James Jackson
Director - Energy and Utility Partnerships


Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

12:00 PM

Networking Lunch - Star Ballroom A

1:00 PM

Lessons Learned: Partnerships and Adoption of Smart Energy Solutions - Star Ballroom BC

Many factors influence whether or not consumers adopt and utilize specific solutions including ease of use and timeliness of information. This session addresses new strategies by device manufacturers and leveraging the expanding presence of connected assets in the home, such as smart thermostats, smart lighting, and smart plugs.

Alex Bazhinov, Founder & CEO, Lumin

Scott W. Tjaden, Product Development Lead for Smart Home and Carbon Free Energy Products, Constellation

Moderator: Kristen Hanich, Director of Research, Parks Associates

2:00 PM

Clean Energy: Community Renewables and Accessibility - Star Ballroom BC

A large segment of consumers prefer to live in a solar energy-powered community with energy-efficient solutions. This session brings together industry leaders to share the latest in community offerings, including the role of solar, EVs and other energy management solutions.

Robert Cruickshank, Chief Technology Officer, GRIDIoT® by RCA

Tray Leslie, Renewable Development Manager - Customer Engagement, Georgia Power

Will Shippee, Manager – Strategic Solar Accounts, Home and Distribution Division, Schneider Electric

John Towle, CEO, EcoSmart Solution

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

2:45 PM

Closing Comments - Star Ballroom BC

Jason Paris, Vice President, Business Development, Parks Associates


Thursday, Jun. 30


Home Energy Management Solutions: Driving Energy Savings

Manufacturers of some specific smart home devices struggle to find effective and valuable messaging for individual products. These sessions address savings, the primary factor that consumers purchase energy management solutions.

11:00 AM CT

Welcome & Analyst Insight

Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

11:15 AM CT

Data and Analytics: Driving Usage and Savings

Only 19% of US broadband households are aware of their electricity provider’s energy monitoring and management products. This session addresses the business and consumer value of access to real-time energy consumption data, including the most appealing and useful value-added services.

Colin Billings, CEO & Founder, Orro

Bob Champagne, Vice President – Customer Experience Innovation, Smart Energy Water

Jay Lasseter, VP Sales, Landis+Gyr North America

Dan Sullivan, CEO, EIQhome

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

12:00 PM CT

Fireside Chat / Executive Q&A

Nathan Ford, Director of Life Cycle Optimization, NRG Energy, Inc.

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

12:30 PM CT

SmartThings - Smart Energy Summit sponsorSmart Apartments and Energy Platforms

Forty-three percent of US broadband households stated they would prefer to live in a community-powered by solar energy, but low familiarity with energy devices is still a barrier for adoption for most households. This session addresses most commonly provided devices and systems that facilitate property access and energy management, including smart door locks, thermostats, lights, and the devices most likely to be integrated into MDUs to drive energy savings.

Håkan Ludvigson, CEO and Founder, Eliq AB

Advait Katarki, Business Development Manager - Connected Solutions & EV Charging Infrastructure, Eaton

Blake Miller, Founder & CEO, Homebase

Wannie Park, CEO, Zen Ecosystems

Carol Schmitt, Chief Evangelist, ESG & Energy, RealPage

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates

1:30 PM CT

Closing Comments


Thursday, Aug. 4


Electric Vehicles: A New Era for Consumers

Only 26% of US broadband households report high familiarity with electric vehicles but that’s about to change. These sessions address the coming surge of EVs on the market, the potentially explosive EV growth in adoption, and the implications for consumers, the grid, and needed infrastructure.

11:00 AM CT

Welcome & Analyst Insight

Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

11:15 AM CT

EV Growth and Outlook

This session addresses the changes in consumer adoption of EV’s, obstacles to growth, and the impact of new federal and state policies.

Luis Castro, Business Development Manager, Enel X Way

Maria Kretzing, Director Of Innovation, Bidgely

Yann Kulp, Co-Founder & Director Business Development, eIQ mobility

Sadia Raveendran, Senior Director, Industry Solutions, AutoGrid

Moderator: Chris White, Senior Analyst, Parks Associates

12:00 PM CT

Fireside Chat / Executive Q&A

Colleen Jansen - ChargePoint keynote speaker

Colleen Jansen

Chief Marketing Officer



Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

12:30 PM CT

Breaking Barriers: Infrastructure and Charging Stations

Cost and access to charging stations are the two key barriers to wider adoption for electric vehicles. This session addresses how the industry is working to develop and ensure the charging infrastructure, standards, and policy are in place to meet the demand of EVs in the future.

Srijata Chattopadhyay, Director of Corporate Development and Strategy, Volta Charging

Evan Conley, VP, Strategic Partnerships, GridPoint

Rebecca Gutierrez, Vice President Marketing, Blink Charging

Stacy Noblet, VP of Transportation Electrification, ICF

Sophia Zhang, Senior Data Scientist, Eversource Energy

Moderator: Jason Paris, Vice President, Business Development, Parks Associates

1:30 PM CT

Closing Comments


Thursday, Nov. 17


Distributed Energy and New Value: Shifting from a Centralized Grid

Half of broadband households show willingness to allow utility providers to control their devices to save energy in exchange for $100. These session address how the industry is working to educate consumers on the potential for energy savings, the value of connected devices, how to be active participants in energy efficiency, and the transformation of the energy grid to be decentralized and managed.

11:00 AM CT

Welcome & Analyst Insight

Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

11:15 AM CT

Distributed Energy Resources (DER): Wind, Solar, and Storage

This session addresses the growth in distributed energy resources, including purchase intentions, market drivers, and industry partnerships.

Magnus Asbo, Senior Director of Technical Marketing, SolarEdge

Keally DeWitt, Vice President, Marketing & Public Policy, GAF Energy

Brett Little, Education Manager, GreenHome Institute

Laurent Schmitt, Head of Utilities & European Developments, dcbel

Brad Stutzman, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, O3 Energy

Moderator: Chris White, Research Director, Parks Associates

12:00 PM CT

Fireside Chat / Executive Q&A

Ansul Rajgharia, Director, Schneider Electric

Moderator: Elizabeth Parks, President and CMO, Parks Associates

12:30 PM CT

Investing in the Future: New Areas of Growth

As Distributed Energy Resources (DER) mature, more electric vehicles, solar and batteries, and water heaters will be integrated. This session addresses the future growth areas for energy management solutions.

James Greenwell, President and CEO, SpotLite 360 IoT Solutions

Doug Houseman, Managing Consultant, 1898 & Co.

Marissa Hummon, Chief Technology Officer, Utilidata, Inc

Katie Schieltz, Senior Manager, Innovation and Product Development, Constellation Energy

Michael Ting, Senior Product Manager, Itron

Moderator: Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates

1:30 PM CT

Closing Comments