Consumer Demand for Smart Energy Solutions

The smart home provides connectivity that allows consumers and energy service providers to understand and manage energy consumption throughout the home. As adoption of solar, storage, and electric vehicles grows alongside the smart home, utilities have the opportunity to align operation of these devices to the needs of the grid. This research provides insights on consumer interest in energy management products and services, including features, price sensitivity, and incentives for energy-efficiency solutions.

Price: $12,000.00

Purchase Questions?


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Download Table of Contents (PDF)

Consumer Analytics: Home Energy Management

Key Questions Answered

Survey Methodology

Defining Heads of Broadband Households

Definitions and Abbreviations

Reading Parks Associates Charts

Executive Summary

Industry Insight

Key Findings and Market Impact

Energy Segments

Energy-Saving Actions Taken Over the Past 12 Months (Q4/19)

Energy-Saving Actions (2014 - 2019)

Energy-Saving Action Segments (2018 - 2019)

Demographic Breakdown by Energy-Saving Segments (Q4/19)

Housing Factors Breakdown by Energy Segments (Q4/19)

Lifestyle Attitudes by Energy-Saving Segments (Q4/19)

Average Monthly Expenditure on Electricity by Energy-Saving Segments (Q4/19)

Energy Programs and Tools

High Familiarity with Energy Programs Offered (2015 - 2019)

High Familiarity with Energy Programs Offered by Energy-Saving Segments (Q4/19)

Energy Programs Offered by Electricity Provider (2018 - 2019)

Participation in Energy Programs (2018 - 2019)

Adoption of Energy Programs When Offered by Electricity Provider (Q4/19)

Participation in Energy Programs by Demographics (Q4/19)

Participation in Energy Programs by Housing Factors (Q4/19)

Most Valuable Energy Management Features (2016 - 2019)

Most Valuable Energy Management Tool by Energy Segments (Q4/19)

Demand Response

Willingness to Adjust Smart Energy Products During Peak Periods

Willingness to Allow Manufacturers/Utility to Adjust Smart Energy Products During Peak Periods (2018 - 2019)

Willingness to Allow Manufacturers/Utility to Adjust Smart Energy Products by Product Ownership (Q4/19)

Willingness to Allow Manufacturers/Utility to Adjust Smart Energy Products by Demographics (Q4/19)

Willingness to Allow Manufacturer/Utility to Adjust Home Devices by Housing Factors (Q4/19)

Reasons For Not Participating in Load Control Programs (2018 - 2019)

High Likelihood of Allowing Electricity Providers to Make Energy-Saving Adjustments (Q4/19)

High Likelihood of Allowing Electricity Provider to Make Energy-Saving Adjustments by Demographics (Q4/19)

High Likelihood of Allowing Electricity Provider to Make Energy-Saving Adjustments by Housing Factors (Q4/19)

Likelihood of Allowing Electricity Providers to Make Energy-Saving Adjustments by Segments (Q4/19)

Distributed Generation and Storage

High Familiarity of Energy Devices (2017 - 2019)

Energy Efficient Equipment or Vehicle Ownership (2013 - 2019)

Energy Efficient Equipment or Vehicle Ownership by Region (Q4/19)

Purchase Intention of Energy Efficient Equipment or Vehicle (2014 - 2019)

High Purchase Intenders of Distributed Energy and EVs by Demographics (Q4/19)

High Purchase Intenders of Distributed Energy and EVs by Housing Factors (Q4/19)

Distributed Energy: Payment Preference (Q4/19)

Distributed Energy: Purchase Channel Preference (Q4/19)

Importance of Using Solar Panels with Battery Storage (Q4/19)

High Importance of Using Solar Panels with Storage by Demographics (Q4/19)

High Importance of Using Solar Panels with Storage by Housing Factors (Q4/19)

Purchase Drivers of Solar Panels (Q4/19)

Purchase Drivers of Solar Panels by Demographics (Q4/19)

Purchase Drivers of Solar Panels by Housing Factors (Q4/19)

High Likelihood of Purchasing Solar Panels by Monthly Savings (Q4/19)

High Likelihood of Purchasing Solar Panels by Demographics (Q4/19)

High Likelihood of Purchasing Solar Panels by Housing Factors (Q4/19)

Purchase Drivers of Electric Vehicle (Q4/19)

Purchase Drivers of Electric Vehicle by Demographics (Q4/19)

Purchase Drivers of Electric Vehicle by Housing Factors (Q4/19)

Agreement on Living in a Community Powered by Solar Energy (Q4/19)

Agreement on Living in a Community Powered by Solar Energy by Demographics (Q4/19)

Smart Energy Products

Smart Thermostat Ownership (2014 - 2019)

Smart Thermostat Ownership by Energy Segments (Q4/19)

Smart Thermostat Purchases (2014 - 2019)

Smart Thermostat: High Purchase Intention (2014 - 2019)

High Intention to Purchase a Smart Thermostat by Energy Segments (Q4/19)

Smart Lighting/Power Devices Ownership (2014 - 2019)

Smart Lighting/Power Devices Ownership by Energy Segments (Q4/19)

Smart Lighting Device Purchases (2014 - 2019)

Smart Lighting Devices: High Purchase Intention (2014 - 2019)

High Intention to Purchase a Smart Lighting Device by Energy Segments (Q4/19)

Smart Appliances: Ownership and Purchase Rates (Q4/19)

Smart Appliances Ownership by Energy Segments (Q4/19)

Smart Appliances: High Purchase Intention (Q4/19)

High Intention to Purchase a Smart Appliance by Energy Segments (Q4/19)

Smart Products - Importance of Energy Management Features

Features Influencing Purchase of Smart Thermostat (Q4/19)

Likelihood of Paying for Energy Monitoring Service (Q4/19)

Features Influencing Purchase of Smart Lighting Device (Q4/19)

Important Purchase Drivers for Smart Plug/Adapter Module (Q4/19)

Most Appealing Features of Smart Refrigerator (Q4/19)

Most Appealing Features of Smart Oven/Cooktop (Q4/19)

Most Appealing Features of Smart Washer/Dryer (Q4/19)


Publish Date: 1Q 2020

Slides: 93

Authored By:
Patrice Samuels - Sr. Manager, Market Research
Keshav Jaiswal - Consumer Insights Analyst II
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics

Published by Parks Associates
© March 2020 Parks Associates

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Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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