Account Sharing and Digital Piracy in Online Video

The rise of online video has shifted the economics of the video content industry and sparked an evolution in the thinking and behavior of the people who steal content. Illegal live streaming, app-based sharing, and account sharing are now rampant in the video service and content marketplace. This consumer-focused research examines consumer preferences for various piracy behaviors as well as attitudes towards privacy and account security.

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Survey Methodology and Definitions

Parks Associates 2022 Respondent Quotas

Entertainment Service Ecosystem

Key Terms and Definitions

Executive Summary

Consumer Engagement in Piracy and Account Sharing

Strong Agreement Towards Unlicensed Video Media Usage

Reason Former Pirates Subscribed

Average Percentage of Households Giving or Receiving Account Credentials

Average Hours Spent Watching Content Among Account Sharing Segments

Pirating Tool Users

Intention of Subscribing to a TV Service in Next 6 Months

Piracy Tool Used

Strong Agreement About Unlicensed Video Media Usage

Attitudes Towards Unlicensed Media Usage by Piracy Content Use

Attitudes Towards Unlicensed Media Usage by Piracy Tool

Pirate Tool User Interest in OTT Service Business Models

Unsubscribed Content Type

Unsubscribed Content Type by Piracy Tool

Pirate Tool Users Interest in OTT Service Business Models

Converting Pirate Tool Users to Paid Users

Impact of Lower Pricing on Pirating Tool Users

Common Account Related Issues Experienced

Conversion to Paid Services by Account Issue Experienced

Converting Pirates to Subscribers

Reason Former Pirates Subscribed

Account Sharing

Account Sharing Behavior

Average Days Spent on Preferred Device

Average Hours Spent Watching Content Among Account Sharing Segments

Genre Preference Among OTT Subscribers

Monthly Spending on Online TV Services

Average Monthly Spending on OTT Services

Pay-TV Service Subscription by Account Sharing Behavior

Video Spend Per Month by Account Sharers vs Non-Account Sharers

Account Sharing Across Video Service Categories

Account Sharing Across Popular OTT Services

Account Sharing Across Premium OTT Services

Account Sharing Segments Across Niche OTT Services

Account Sharing Segments Across Sports OTT Services

Account Sharing Segments Across Fitness OTT Services

Account Sharing Segments Across Transactional Services

Account Sharing/Piracy Demographic Profiles

Piracy and Account Sharing by Age

Piracy and Account Sharing by Gender

Piracy and Account Sharing by Income

Piracy and Account Sharing by Education Level

Piracy and Account Sharing by Children at Home

Piracy and Account Sharing by Family Size


Publish Date: 4Q 2022

Slides: 56

Authored By:
Sarah Lee - Research Analyst

© October 2022 Parks Associates
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