CE Device Ecosystems

CE Device Ecosystems analyzes consumers who use multiple platforms (computers, smartphones, tablets, TVs, streaming media players) of the same brand (Apple, Amazon, Google, Samsung, Sony, Microsoft, etc.). This research explores the demographic distinctions between these brand loyalists and examines differing usage patterns, with particular attention given to the use of online content services.

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About the Research

Previous Research

Industry Insight

Key Findings


CE Product Adoption and Market Share:

Apple Computer Adoption (2011 - 2016)

Adoption of an Apple Computer by Number of Apple iPhones in a Household (Q1/16)

Computer Ownership: Apple Mac vs. Windows PC (2015 - 2016)

Brand of Most Used Computer (2014 - 2016)

Brand of Primary Flat Panel TV (2015 - 2016)

Adoption of Android TV and Roku TV (Q1/16)

Brand of Tablet Personally Used (2011 - 2016)

Most Commonly Used Streaming Media Player Among Owners (2014 - 2016)

Tablet Operating System (2014 - 2016)

Brand of Smartphone Used (2010 - 2016)

Smartphone Operating System (2011 - 2016)

Brand Purchase Patterns & CE Ecosystems:

Users of Multiple CE Products by Brand (Q1/16)

Apple Products Owned when Two or More Product Categories Owned (Q1/16)

Microsoft/Windows Products Owned when Two or More Product Categories Owned (Q1/16)

Google/Android Products Owned when Two or More Product Categories Owned (Q1/16)

Samsung Products Owned when Two or More Product Categories Owned (Q1/16)

Sony Products Owned when Two or More Product Categories Owned (Q1/16)

Amazon Products Owned when Two or More Product Categories Owned (Q1/16)

Multi-Product CE Brand Owners by Age (Q1/16)

Multi-Product CE Brand Owners by Household Income (Q1/16)

Multi-Product CE Brand Owners by Education (Q1/16)

Multi-Product CE Brand Owners by Children at Home (Q1/16)

CE Ecosystems: Cross-Platform Purchases:

Apple Desktop Purchases by Use of Apple Products (Q1/16)

Apple Laptop Purchases by Use of Apple Products (Q1/16)

Apple Tablet Purchase by Use of Other Apple Products (Q1/16)

Apple Streaming Media Player Purchases by Use of Other Apple Products (Q1/16)

Apple Smartphone Purchases by Use of Other Apple Products (Q1/16)

Samsung Tablet Purchases by Use of Other Samsung Products (Q1/16)

Samsung Smartphone Purchases by Use of Other Samsung Products (Q1/16)

Samsung Flat Panel TV Purchases by Use of Other Samsung Products (Q1/16)

Sony Flat Panel TV Purchases by Use of a Sony PlayStation (Q1/16)

Sony Gaming Console Purchases by Use of a Sony Flat Panel TV (Q1/16)

Amazon Tablet Purchases by Use of an Amazon Streaming Media Player (Q1/16)

Amazon Streaming Media Player Purchases by Use of an Amazon Tablet (Q1/16)

Google/Android Streaming Media Player Purchases by Use of Other Android Products (Q1/16)

Non-Apple/Surface Tablet Purchases by Use of Other Android Products (Q1/16)

Non-Apple/BlackBerry/Nokia Smartphone Purchases by Use of Other Android Products (Q1/16)

Windows Desktop Purchases by Use of Other Microsoft Products (Q1/16)

Windows Laptop Purchases by Use of Other Microsoft Products (Q1/16)

Microsoft Surface Tablet Purchases by Use of Other Microsoft Products (Q1/16)

Microsoft Gaming Console Purchases by Use of Other Microsoft Products (Q1/16)

CE Ecosystems: Influence of Brand Loyalty on Purchase Decision:

Purchase Consideration of One or More Brands by CE Buyers (Q1/16)

Purchase Consideration of One or More Brands by Apple Brand Users (Q1/16)

Purchase Consideration of One or More Brands by Samsung Multi-Device or

Platform Owners (Q1/16)

Reasons for Only Considering Purchasing from One Brand by CE Brand Users (Q1/16)

Reasons for Purchasing One Brand Over Other Brands Considered by CE Brand Users (Q1/16)

Publish Date: 4Q 2016

Slides: 73

Authored By:
Barbara Kraus - Director of Research
John Barrett - Director of Consumer Analytics
Katherine Li - Data Analyst
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
David Mitchel - Research Analyst

© October 2016 Parks Associates
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