COVID-19: Impact on Communications and Ent. - May

Consumer technology industries, especially the entertainment/communications services, content, and devices markets, need thoughtful, strategic research that quantifies the impact of COVID-19 on the market for the next several quarters. As with previous public health incidents, the majority of economic impacts will come from changes and aversions in consumer behaviors. This research addresses short- and long-term questions related to consumer engagement with broadband, pay-TV, and OTT video services, including new subscriptions to and cancellations of leading services. It assesses which behavioral changes are likely short-term in nature and which changes will last.

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Key Questions Answered

Survey Methodology

COVID-19 Timeline

Executive Summary

Industry Insight

Home Broadband Provider Net Promotor Score

Concern Over Paying Bills Among Heads of BB HHs

Likelihood of Cutting Services in Next 12 Months  by Concern Over Paying Bills

Intention to Cancel Pay-TV Service

OTT Service Trials & Conversions During COVID-19

Pay-TV Adoption by Service Type

Impact on Internet Service Providers

COVID-19 Impact on Home Service Subscriptions (Q2/20)

Service Cancellation During COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Cancellation of Tested Home Services by Level of Concern Over Paying Bills (Q2/20)

COVID-19 Impact on Home Internet or Mobile Services (Q2/20)

COVID-19 Impact on Home Internet Service (Q2/20)

Importance of Home Internet Service (2019 vs. 2020)

Changes to Home Internet Service in the Next 12 Months (2019 - 2020)

Likelihood of Making Changes to Home Internet Service (Q2/20)

Likelihood of Making Changes to Mobile Service (Q2/20)

Likelihood of Dropping Services by Concern Over Paying Bills (Q2/20)

Substitutes for Mobile Phone Service (Q2/20)

Service Cancellations During COVID-19 by Specific Company (Q2/20)

Consumer Perception of Service Providers

Service Provider Net Promotor Score (2018 - 2020)

Satisfaction with Handling of COVID-19 Crisis by Service Providers (Q2/20)

Awareness of Home ISPs Responses to COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Awareness of Mobile Service Providers Responses to COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Consumer Perceptions of ISP’s Handling of COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Consumer Perceptions of Mobile Phone Service Providers’ Handling of COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Consumer Perceptions of Pay-TV Service Providers’ Reactions to COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Impact to Pay TV and OTT Services

Pay-TV & OTT Service Subscriptions (2011 - 2020)

Pay-TV Adoption by Service Type (2019-2020)

Online Pay-TV Services: Digital Newcomers vs. Services from Incumbents (Q1/20)

OTT Service Use by Business Model During COVID-19 (Q2/20)

OTT Service Trials and Conversions During COVID-19 (Q2/20)

OTT Service Trials (2017 - 2020)

OTT Service Trials (2019 - 2020)

OTT Service Trial Conversions (2019 - 2020)

New Subscriptions to Online Video Services During COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Reasons for Online Video Service Subscription During COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Use of Transactional OTT Services During COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Video Service Cancellations

Video Service Cancellation During COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Traditional Pay-TV Cancellations (Q2/20)

Online Pay-TV Cancellations (Q2/20)

Reasons for Cancelling Pay-TV Services (Q2/20)

Intention to Cancel Pay-TV Services After COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Impact of Sports League Closures on Future Pay-TV Cancellations (Q2/20)

Expected Timeline for Sports League to Resume (Q2/20)

Likelihood of Re-subscribing to Pay-TV Service (Q2/20)

Impact of Reduced Content Pipeline on Future Cancellations (Q2/20)

Online Video Service Cancellation During COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Reasons for Cancelling OTT Services (2019 - 2020)

Drivers to Retain Online Video Service Subscribers (Q2/20)

Intentions to Cancel Newly Started Video Services After COVID-19 (Q2/20)

Most Enjoyed Video Content (2020 vs. 2019)

Publish Date: 3Q 2020

Slides: 64

Authored By:
Kristen Hanich - Director of Research
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
Xiaofan Tan - Consumer Insights Analyst II

Published by Parks Associates
© July 2020 Parks Associates

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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