Mobile Data Consumption and Preferences

The U.S. mobile service market has become much more competitive over the last three years amidst the growing demand for mobile data services. This 360 View Update analyzes consumer mobile data consumption trends by examining activities on mobile phones and choices between Wi-Fi and cellular networks. It also examines consumer preferences when selecting the next mobile carrier for their mobile communications needs.

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About the Research

Previous Research

Industry Insight

Key Findings


Overview of Mobile Data Plans & Consumption:

Use of Smartphone Data Plan (Q3/15)

Use of Shared Mobile Data Plan by Service Provider (2014 - 2015)

Daily Performance of Smartphone Activities by Service Provider - Communication Activities  (Q3/15)

Daily Performance of Smartphone Activities by Age (Q3/15)

Daily Performance of Smartphone Activities by Children at Home (Q3/15)

Daily Performance of Smartphone Activities by Gender (Q3/15)

Influence of Mobile Data Plan on Choice of Service Provider:

Important Factors when Choosing Next Mobile Service Provider (Q3/15)

Likelihood to Switch Mobile Service Providers by Data Plan (Q3/15)

Important Factors when Choosing Next Mobile Service Provider by Mobile Data Plan (Q3/15)

Differences in Important Factors when Choosing Next Mobile Service Provider by Churn Potential (Q3/15)

Differences in Important Factors when Choosing Next Mobile Service Provider by Churn Potential, cont.  (Q3/15)

Appeal of Wi-Fi Mobile Data Services:

Preferred Wi-Fi Mobile Data Plan (Q3/15)

Preferred Wi-Fi Mobile Data Plan by Children at Home (Q3/15)

Preferred Wi-Fi Mobile Data Plan by Gender (Q3/15)

Preferred Wi-Fi Mobile Data Plan by Current Mobile Plan (Q3/15)

Average % of Savings Required to Trigger Trial Interest in Wi-Fi-Based Service by Interest in Wi-Fi-Based Mobile Data Plan (Q3/15)

Reasons for No Interest in Wi-Fi Based Services (Q3/15)

Reasons for No Interest in Wi-Fi Based Services by Current Data Plan Size (Q3/15)

Mobile Data Use By Plan Type: Light, Moderate, Heavy, and Unlimited:

Current Service Provider by Data Plan Subscriber Segment (Q3/15)

Ownership Length of Current Smartphone by Data Plan Subscriber Segment (Q3/15)

Length of Time Using a Smartphone Before Upgrading by Data Plan Subscriber Segment (Q3/15)

Early Handset Upgrade Program Enrollment by Wireless Service Provider and Data User Segment (Q3/15)

Mobile Phone Service Contract Type by Data Plan Subscriber Segment (Q3/15)

Likelihood of Making Mobile Phone Service Changes by Data Plan Subscriber Segment (Q3/15)

Important Factors in Choosing Next Service Provider by Data Plan Subscriber Segment (Q3/15)

Important Factors in Choosing Next Service Provider by Data Plan Subscriber Segment, cont. (Q3/15)

Smartphone Activities by Data Plan Subscriber Segment (Q3/15)

% Using Specified Utility/Convenience Mobile App Type by Data Plan Subscriber Segment (Q3/15)

Publish Date: 2Q 2016

Slides: 54

Authored By:
Harry Wang - Senior Director of Research
Kristen Hanich - Director of Research
Katherine Li - Data Analyst
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
David Mitchel - Research Analyst

Published by Parks Associates
© April 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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