Mobile First: SoLoMo App Usage Trends

This 360 View Update focuses on SoLoMo (Social, Location, and Mobility) apps, including marketplace apps (e.g., Uber, Airbnb, and Grubhub), messaging apps (e.g., Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, and Whatsapp), and payment apps (e.g., Apple Pay, Android Pay, and PayPal). This update details and assesses consumer awareness and usage of these apps, the apps’ core demographics, and their impact on consumer use of traditional services. In addition, this update also shows the differences in use of these apps among customers of mobile carriers and operating systems.

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About the Research

Previous Research

Industry Insight

Key Findings


Mobile Device Adoption Trends:

Adoption of Smartphones (2009 - 2016)

Smartphone Brand Market Share by Installed Base (2015 - 2016)

Smartphone Operating System (2011 - 2016)

Smart Watch Ownership (2011 - 2016)

Top Twelve Smart Watch Activities (Q2/16)

Overview of SoLoMo App Market by Category:

% Using Specified Type of Mobile Apps (Q2/16)

Most Familiar and Most Used SoLoMo App Categories (Q2/16)

Most Used App Categories by Smartphone Operating System (Q2/16)

Most Used App Categories by Mobile Service Carrier (Q2/16)

Respondents Citing Specified Apps as a Most Used App by Use of Apps for Item Sharing and Delivery Functions (Q2/16)

Respondents Citing Specified Apps as a Most Used App by Use of Apps for Selling and Social Sharing Functions (Q2/16)

Respondents Citing Specified Apps as a Most Used App by Use of Apps for Family and Home Care Service Functions (Q2/16)

Specific SoLoMo App Awareness & Usage:

Familiarity with Social, Location, and Mobile (SoLoMo) Apps (Q2/16)

Most Used Consumer SoLoMo Apps (Q2/16)

Weekly or More Use of SoLoMo Apps (Q2/16)

Most Used SoLoMo Apps by Age (Q2/16)

Most Used SoLoMo Apps by Urban Density (Q2/16)

Most Used SoLoMo Apps by Income (Q2/16)

Respondents Citing Uber as a Most Used App by Age, Education, and Urban Density (Q2/16)

% Citing Airbnb as a Most Used App by Education and Urban Density (Q2/16)

Grubhub: Weekly or More Use by Children at Home (Q2/16)

Use of Messenger/Chat Apps (Q2/16)

Comparison of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Snapchat Users (Q2/16)

Use of Messenger/Chat Apps by Smartphone Operating System (Q2/16)

Most Used Messaging Services by Mobile Service Carrier (Q2/16)

Use of Mobile Payment Apps for Person-to-Person Money Transfers (Q2/16)

Use of Venmo and PayPal for Person-to-Person Money Transfers by Age (Q2/16)

Use of Mobile Payment Apps (Q2/16)

Comparison of Apple Pay, PayPal, and Android Pay Users (Q2/16)

Impact of SoLoMo App Usage on Traditional Services:

Attitudes About the Impact of SoLoMo App Use (Q2/16)

Attitudes About the Impact of SoLoMo App Use by Age (Q2/16)

Attitudes About the Impact of SoLoMo App Use by Urban Density (Q2/16)

Perception of Apps Being More Convenient To Use than Traditional Services

by Monthly or More Use of Specified Apps (Q2/16)

Perception of Complete Satisfaction with Apps by Monthly or More Use of Specified Apps (Q2/16)

Rare Use of Traditional Services by Monthly or More Use of Specified Apps (Q2/16)

Attitudes About the Impact of SoLoMo App Use by Smartphone Operating System (Q2/16)

Attitudes About the Impact of SoLoMo App Use by Mobile Service Provider (Q2/16)

Publish Date: 4Q 2016

Slides: 64

Authored By:
Chris Tweedt - Research Analyst
David Mitchel - Research Analyst
Katherine Li - Data Analyst
Kristen Hanich - Director of Research
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics

© December 2016 Parks Associates
All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America. 

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct.  We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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