Smart Home Buyer Journey and User Experience

This flagship consumer study provides the latest data on smart home trends influencing consumer purchase behavior and preferences that provide critical intelligence for smart home business strategies. Topics include smart product adoption and purchase intention across multiple product categories, segmentation profiles, purchase channels and installation preferences, voice and control platforms, app engagement, reliability and satisfaction scores by category, product feature interests, and attitudes about data security, interoperability, and support.

Price: $12,000.00

Purchase Questions?


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Download Table of Contents (PDF)

Consumer Analytics: Smart Home Track

Key Questions Answered

Survey Methodology

Defining Heads of Broadband Households

Definitions and Abbreviations

Reading Parks Associates Charts

Executive Summary

Industry Insight

Key Findings and Market Impact

Smart Product Adoption and Trends

Smart Home Device Ownership (2014 - 2019)

Smart Safety & Security Device Ownership (2015 - 2019)

Smart Energy, Lighting, Water Device Ownership (2015 - 2019)

Smart Appliances Ownership (Q4/19)

Number of Smart Home Devices Owned Per US BB HH (2015 - 2019)

Average Smart Home Device Owned Per Owning Household (2016 - 2019)

Number of Smart Home Device Owned (Q4/19)

Overall Smart Speaker or Smart Display Ownership (2016 - 2019)

Number of Smart Speaker or Smart Display Owned (2017 - 2019)

Smart Speaker Models Ownership Among Smart Speaker and Smart Display Owners (Q4/19)

Smart Display Models Ownership Among Smart Speaker and Smart Display Owners (Q4/19)

Home Control System Ownership (2015 - 2019)

Home Control App Usage (2017-2019)

Purchasing and Channel Trends

Smart Security & Safety Device Purchases (2014 - 2019)

Smart Energy Device Purchases (2014 - 2019)

Average Selling Price of Smart Security & Safety Devices (2017 - 2019)

Average Selling Price of Smart Energy Devices (2017 - 2019)

Smart Safety & Security Device: Channel Purchase Location (Q4/19)

Smart Energy Device: Channel Purchase Location (Q4/19)

Smart Safety & Security Devices: Replacement Cycle (Q4/19)

Smart Energy & Lighting Devices: Replacement Cycle (Q4/19)

Benefits Influencing Smart Home Device Purchases (Q4/19)

Buyer Journey

Buyer Journey Stages

Smart Home Device: Device Familiarity (2016 - 2019)

Smart Home Device: Perceived Value of Benefit (2016 - 2019)

Smart Home Device: Affordability (2016 - 2019)

Benefits Influencing Smart Safety & Security Device Purchases (Q4/19)

Benefits Influencing Smart Energy Device Purchases (Q4/19)

Triggers for Purchasing Smart Home Device (Q4/19)

Triggers for Purchasing Smart Safety & Security Device (Q4/19)

Triggers for Purchasing Smart Energy Device (Q4/19)

Purchase Process of Smart Home Device (Q4/19)

Purchase Process of Smart Safety & Security Device (Q4/19)

Purchase Process of Smart Energy Device (Q4/19)

Actions Taken Prior Purchase a Smart Home Device (Q4/19)

Smart Home Device Purchase Process (Q4/19)

Smart Safety & Security Device: Purchase Timeline (Q4/19)

Smart Energy Device: Purchase Timeline (Q4/19)

Order of Smart Home Device Purchases (Q4/19)

Smart Speakers and Smart Displays Purchase Sequence & Influence (Q4/19)

Smart Home Device Ownership Among Those Encouraged by Smart Speakers (Q4/19)

Smart Security & Safety Devices: Self-Installation (2018 - 2019)

Smart Security & Safety Devices: Professional Installation (2018 - 2019)

Smart Energy & Lighting Devices: Self Installation (2018 - 2019)

Smart Energy & Lighting Devices: Professional Installation (2018 - 2019)

Time of Purchasing a Home Control System (Q4/19)

Purchase Intention and Preferences

Smart Security & Safety Device Purchase Intention by Ownership (Q4/19)

Smart Energy Device Purchase Intention by Ownership (Q4/19)

Smart Home Device Owner & Intender Segment (Q4/19)

Demographics Breakdown by Owner & Intender Segment (Q4/19)

Housing Breakdown by Owner & Intender Segment (Q4/19)

Smart Security & Safety Device: Preferred Purchase Channels (Q4/19)

Smart Energy & Lighting Devices: Preferred Purchase Channels (Q4/19)

Important Features of Smart Home Purchase Considerations (Q4/19)

Smart Home Device Purchase Inhibitors (Q4/19)

Smart Home Device Purchase Incentives (Q4/19)

Purchase Price Threshold for Smart Home Devices (Q4/19)

User Experiences

Smart Safety & Security Device: Frequency of Using Smart Features (Q4/19)

Smart Energy Device: Frequency of Using Smart Features (Q4/19)

High Reliability of Smart Security & Safety Device (Q4/19)

High Reliability of Smart Energy Device (Q4/19)

Smart Security & Safety Device: High Ease of Use (Q4/19)

Smart Energy Device: High Ease of Use (Q4/19)

Smart Home Device: Net Promoter Score (2017-2019)

Most Important Features of Smart Speaker and Smart Display (Q4/19)

Method Used to Perform Tasks with Smart Home Devices (Q4/19)


Publish Date: 2Q 2020

Slides: 90

Authored By:
Brad Russell - Research Director, Connected Home
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
Xiaofan Tan - Consumer Insights Analyst II

Published by Parks Associates
© April 2020 Parks Associates

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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