"tablets" articles

Parks Associates' industry reports include facts, forecasts, background, and analysis of leading players in emerging markets. Reports typically contain market analysis, unit and revenue forecasts, technology reviews, global and regional analysis, and player profiles. Cloud-based Value-added Services This report provides a comprehensive analysis of value-added services delivered by broadband service providers. It examines the trends, technical issues, business models, and...
Glenn Lurie, president of emerging devices, wholesale and partnerships at AT&T Mobility talks about whether consumers are really using 3G to connect their tablets, whether multi-device rate plans are on the horizon, and when we will see more affordable LTE-enabled tablets. Mr. Lurie has talked about multi-device plans for devices before, but isn't sure when they will become a reality. He feels the concept is good, but complex and that it depends a great deal on the carriers, because...
by Parks Associates | Sep. 20, 2011
Tags: retail, tablets
In advance of the IBC 2011 conference , Parks Associates released new research today revealing consumers in Western Europe value multidevice access to recorded TV programs over other new video services, including access to live TV. Given a choice of new TV features, including 3DTV, online video access, and multiscreen services, 47% of broadband households in Western Europe’s largest countries selected viewing recorded programs on any Internet-connected device as one of their...
Today’s consumers want TV content not just in the web browser, but on smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, etc. In order for “TV Everywhere” to succeed, the industry cannot offer content on a multitude of devices alone, it must also surpass the viewer’s search and discovery experience, known as metadata. Metadata is the in-depth descriptive information about programming that includes title, storyline, cast, genre, release date, images and more. Metadata drives TV...
Parks Associates projects the percentage of U.S. households with professionally monitored services will expand to 30% by 2020, with consumer demand for remote monitoring, coupled with the expanding presence of broadband service providers, driving growth in the security market. In its new report IP-based Home Monitoring: Security , which analyzes trends driving the market in 2011 and beyond, the international research firm estimates U.S. security monitoring, representing 18% of U.S....
Parks Associates and LEVEL Studios will co-host a complimentary webcast Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 1 p.m. CT. This webcast is for CE device manufacturers and all brand marketers who want the latest information about the smart TV, smartphone and tablet markets. The webcast will look at ways in which device categories are converging and the impact that is having on product usage and consumer behaviors, go-to-market strategies for manufacturers and marketers looking to take advantage of...
Parks Associates and LEVEL Studios announced they will host a free webcast on July 28 focused on key drivers to create product differentiation for manufacturers, titled "Creating Product Differentiation for Connected Consumer Electronics. Manufacturers must carve out a new, unique position in this changing market. These devices open several intriguing opportunities to capture content revenue. For example, an Xbox 360 is no longer just a gaming device but seamlessly serves...
by Parks Associates | Jul. 25, 2011
Tags: connected CE, tablets, Webcast
Almost one-third of people in the U.S. over 13 play mobile games monthly, and the number of gamers in older demographics more than doubled since 2007, according to Parks Associates. The international research firm's new report Mobile/Portable Gaming: Market Updates finds the user base for gaming has expanded into nontraditional segments thanks to the popularity of mobile apps and titles such as Rovio’s Angry Birds. These changes will also force creation of new business models to...
by Parks Associates | Jul. 20, 2011
Tags: apps, gaming, smartphones, tablets

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