"gaming" articles

In a recent article for Ars Technica , Parks Associates research revealed that game consoles are the most widely-used connected devices for streaming media in U.S. broadband households. Forty-six percent of U.S. broadband households have a game console connected to the Internet, and of those, over one-quarter (28%) use their console as their primary connected CE device. The firm’s consumer data, released in the report Connected Gaming Consoles last week, also reports that...
by Barbara Kraus | Oct. 3, 2014
Tags: connected CE, gaming, OTT, streaming
Telecom Council is presenting a two-day executive summit it calls Telecom Council Carrier Connections (TC3).   The summit highlights the relationships between the companies building communication networks and the new ideas that are fueling its growth. The summit brings together carriers and operators, entrepreneurs, investors and leading vendors from telecom infrastructure, platforms, mobile apps, IPTV, content and media, gaming, big data experts and more. Last...
by Parks Associates | Jul. 12, 2013
Tags: apps, big data, gaming, industry event
The profile of the average PC gamer has changed substantially in the past few years. Parks Associates has identified six different segments of gamers, defined as consumers who play one or more hours per month gaming on any platform Power Gamers, with strong self motivation and intrinsic interest in games, spend significant amounts of time playing games on all gaming devices. Social Gamers, who are moderately motivated in playing games and rarely initiate gaming sessions,...
by Parks Associates | Oct. 24, 2012
Tags: gaming
By Brett L. Sappington, Director of Research On Thursday, The Wall Street Journal published an article reporting rumors that Apple was in discussions with pay-TV providers about the possibility of an Apple-branded set-top box (STB) that would carry live and on-demand content. According to the article, Apple proposed to provide the hardware and have pay-TV providers deliver the linear and on-demand content. For Apple, which has made a strong business by leveraging content to...
by Brett Sappington | Aug. 17, 2012
Tags: apps, digital music, gaming, OTT, pay tv, set top
Zynga 's stocks are taking a beating since releasing its earnings a couple of days ago. Facebook shares plunged to new lows today. Do these events mean that more trouble is on the way for the social gaming industry? We are still optimistic about the long-term evolution of the industry: - Facebook's growth may have slowed down but the social network is now close to 1 billion monthly active users (up 29% year over year). - New consumer segments continue to be attracted to social...
by Parks Associates | Jul. 27, 2012
Tags: gaming, smartphones, tablets
On July 26th, Parks Associates Research Analyst,  Pietro Macchiarella , will host a webcast, focusing on how current consumer consumption is changing the distribution of entertainment Changing consumer habits are forcing the entertainment industry to shift to digital distribution for movies, music, books, and games. This webcast discusses consumer consumption of entertainment, the role of social media, and trends affecting the way online entertainment is consumed and monetized....
by Parks Associates | Jul. 23, 2012
Tags: gaming, webcast
Amazon made two important game-related announcements this week. The online retailer launched its free-to-play game store, which includes big titles like World of Tanks and Battlestar Galactica . Amazon customers can now buy virtual items for these games from their Amazon accounts, once these are linked to each game. This move adds even more content to the retailer's virtual shelves, underlining the increasing relevance of digital distribution of entertainment. Amazon also...
by Parks Associates | Jul. 13, 2012
Tags: digital media, gaming, tablets
Businesses are struggling with the idea of playing games at work because its connotation leads to the idea of having fun without a purpose. However, the practical application of gamification is disrupting that assumption and slowly changing the way businesses learn. Gamification is applying engaging elements of game theory to non-game applications. An example would be to create a game to learn something new for work: While a lecture session could potentially turn off employees and...
by Parks Associates | Jun. 18, 2012
Tags: digital media, gaming

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