Best Practices for IoT Security and Privacy

Ayla Networks - 2016 Webcast - Parks Associates

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Co-hosted by Ayla Networks and Parks Associates

This webcast examines best practices in IoT data security and privacy and how companies are addressing these challenges to create and secure value for their customers.

According to Parks Associates, almost half of consumers rank privacy as their greatest concern about connecting devices to the Internet and 40% report having experienced some kind of privacy or security problem with a connected device in the past year. At the same time, adoption of IoT devices and services is accelerating as stakeholders discover new approaches in overcoming privacy and security challenges.

This webcast examines best practices in IoT data security and privacy and how companies are addressing these challenges to create and secure value for their customers. Speakers will address smart home device ownership, concerns for connected devices, preferences for device guarantees against hacking, willingness to share data, and the impact of privacy rights for consumers.

Key issues addressed during the webcast:

  • Security and privacy needs for various categories of products and services
  • The economics of security investments for product development and ongoing cloud support
  • Decision points for security and privacy issues during product development and platform strategy
  • Speed of innovation and the challenges created when addressing security issues and testing products
  • Impact of data sharing incentives
  • Current approaches of and differences between the FTC and FCC regarding privacy issues
  • Regional privacy issues around the globe and implications for data gathering, storage, and sharing

Alicia Gray, Data Protection Officer & Director Global Connected Services, Salus

Craig Payne, Security & Privacy Officer, Ayla Networks, Inc.

Brad Russell, Research Analyst, Parks Associates


Alicia Gray, Data Protection Officer & Director Global Connected Services, Salus

Alicia Gray - Salus - Parks Associates Webcast

Alicia Gray is the Global Data Protection Officer and Director of Global Connected Services for Salus North America, Inc. She has over 15 years of combined compliance experience in the financial sector and the connected home space, the last year focused on data privacy. Currently, Alicia is responsible for ensuring global data protection and compliance, including compliance with international data transfer regulations. She is CIPP/US and CIPP/E certified and a member of Women in Security and Privacy. When Alicia isn’t busy protecting PII you can find her at the gym, reading avidly, shuttling her daughter to karate, and regularly failing to binge watch Season 4 of House of Cards. She’s currently working on her CIPM designation.

Craig Payne, Security & Privacy Officer, Ayla Networks

Craig Payne is Ayla Networks’ Security & Privacy Officer and manages Ayla’s Information Security program. He has more than10 years of engineering management experience with security products with Ayla, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, and SafeNet. Craig is proficient with Common Criteria, ISO-27001 and SOC2 audits and certifications, and was instrumental in shipping several Solaris 10 Update & Trusted Solaris releases; releases of SafeNet’s KeySecure and DataSecure products.


Brad Russell, Research Analyst, Parks Associates

Brad Russell - Parks Associates

Brad Russell explores leading-edge issues in connected consumer electronics, robotics, IoT data privacy and security, and machine vision applications. He has a background in marketing communications, technology startups, and online media. Brad balances the art and science of marketing research to generate insights that lead to more astute business decision making and value-generating practices.

Brad received his BS degree in advertising and marketing from the University of Texas at Austin. He also earned MDiv and DMin degrees from two leading seminaries with concentrations in ethics and cross-cultural leadership.

INDUSTRY EXPERTISE: Connected Consumer Electronics, IoT Data Privacy and Security, Big Data and Connected CE, Machine Vision

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