Safe Enough: Consumer Attitudes towards Alternative Security Solutions

The DIY smart home movement is challenging traditional, pro-installed, and monitored security systems. Some consumers are deciding that self-monitoring is adequate for their needs and pocketbook, putting pressure on pro-monitored services to more vigorously substantiate their value. This primary research quantifies consumers’ perceptions of the value of traditional and non-traditional security products and services, what features are most important to make consumers feel safe enough, business model concept testing, and purchase channel preferences.

Price: $12,000.00

Purchase Questions?


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Download Table of Contents (PDF)

Consumer Analytics: Residential Security

Key Questions Answered

Survey Methodology

Defining Heads of Broadband Households

Definitions and Abbreviations

Reading Parks Associates Charts

Executive Summary

Industry Insights

Key Findings and Market Impact

Security System Landscape

Home Security System Ownership (2014 - 2019)

Home Security System Ownership: Professional vs. Self-Monitored Services (Q4/19)

Demographic Breakdown of Security System Owners (Q4/19)

Housing Profile of Security System Owners (Q4/19)

Security-Related Purchase Intenders (Q4/19)

Demographic Profile of Security System Intenders (Q4/19)

Installation Method for Recently Acquired Systems (2014 - 2019)

Smart Home Device and Ownership

Smart Home Device Ownership (2014-2019)

Overall Smart Home Device Ownership by Segments (2017-2019)

Smart Home Safety & Security Device Ownership by Segments (Q4/19)

Smart Home Device: Device Familiarity (2016 - 2019)

Smart Home Device: Perceived Value of Benefit (2016 - 2019)

Smart Home Device: Affordability (2016 - 2019)

Benefits Influencing Smart Safety & Security Device Purchases (Q4/19)

Networked Cameras Monitoring Interest (Q4/19)

Smart Safety & Security Device: Channel Purchase Location (Q4/19)

Average Selling Price of Smart Security & Safety Devices (2017 - 2019)

Factors Driving Smart Safety & Security Device Purchases (Q4/19)

Smart Security & Safety Device: Installation Methods (Q4/19)

Smart Home Device Purchase Intention (Q4/19)

Smart Security & Safety Device Purchase Intention by Security System Ownership (Q4/19)

Smart Security & Safety Device: Preferred Purchase Channels (Q4/19)

Attitudes Toward Alternative Security Solutions 

Home Safety Concerns of Smart Safety Device Owners & Home Security Non-Owners (Q4/19)

Home Safety Concerns of Security System Owners (Q4/19)

Agreement on Safe Enough Devices (Q4/19)

Agreement on Safe Enough Bundle Devices (Q4/19)

Smart Security & Safety Device: Appeal of Price Range (Q4/19)

Appealing Home Protection Solutions (Q4/19)

Appealing Home Protection Product Combinations (Q4/19)

Agreement on Safety Protection Ability (Q4/19)

Likely Security Solution Purchase (Q4/19)

Publish Date: 2Q 2020

Slides: 52

Authored By:
Dina Abdelrazik - Contributing Analyst
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
Xiaofan Tan - Consumer Insights Analyst II

Published by Parks Associates
© April 2020 Parks Associates

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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