Virtual Care and Remote Monitoring: Connected Health at Home

This study examines the growing market of connected medical devices and investigates consumers’ appetite for greater insight into their own wellbeing and solutions that enable them to better manage their health conditions. It assesses opportunities at the juncture of healthcare and home, including virtual visit services and remote patient monitoring programs.

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Download Table of Contents (PDF)

Consumer Analytics: Wellness and Independent Living Track

Key Questions Answered

Survey Methodology

Defining Heads of Broadband Households

Connected Health Device Definitions

Interpreting Likert Scales

Reading Parks Associates Charts

Executive Summary

Industry Insight

Key Findings and Market Impact

Consumer Adoption and Use of Connected Medical Devices

Connected Medical Device Adoption (Q2/19)

Household Adoption of Connected Fitness/Wellness Equipment (Q2/19)

Connected Medical Device Adoption (2013 - 2019)

Connected Medical Devices Online or at Retail Store (Q2/19)

Method of Obtaining Connected Medical Devices (Q2/19)

Connectivity Method of Connected Medical Devices (Q2/19)

Value of Connectivity for Medical Devices (Q2/19)

Important Purchase Factors for Connected Health and Fitness Devices (Q2/19)

Most Useful Health Metrics for Connected Health and Fitness Devices (Q2/19)

Adoption of Connected Medical Devices by Demographics (Q2/19)

Appeal of Connected Health Device Monitoring (Q2/19)

Appeal of Connected Health Device Monitoring by Demographics (Q2/19)

Appeal of Connected Health Device Monitoring by Health Conditions (Q2/19)

Appeal of Connected Health Device Interaction with Other Connected  Devices in Home (Q2/19)

Appeal of Connected Health Use Cases for the Smart Home Among Smart Home Devices Owners and Security System Owners (Q2/19)

Patient Portals and Self-Diagnostic Apps

Use of Health Management Tools (Q2/19)

Use of Self-diagnosis App (Q2/19)

Consumer Perception of Self-Diagnosis App (Q2/19)

Telehealth Service Use and Preferences

Use of Telehealth Service (2017 - 2019)

Types of Telehealth Service Used (Q2/19)

Use of Telehealth Service by Demographic Group (Q2/19)

Health Insurance Among Telehealth Service Users (Q2/19)

Telehealth Services Used  (Q2/19)

Reasons for Using Telehealth Services (Q2/19)

Medical Issues Consulted Using Telehealth Services (Q2/19)

Actions After Telehealth Services (Q2/19)

User Attitudes Towards Telehealth Services (Q2/19)

Telehealth Channel and Feature Preferences

Appeal of Telehealth Approaches (Q2/19)

Appeal of Telehealth Services (2018-2019)

Appeal of Sharing Health Device Data with Telehealth Service (2018-2019)

Appeal of Telehealth Services by Service Usage (Q2/19)

Importance of Factors in Telehealth Services (Q2/19)

Barriers to Telehealth Service Use

Reasons for Not Using Telehealth Services (Q2/19)

In-Person Bias Barrier to Telehealth Services by Demographics (Q2/19)

Awareness as Barrier to Telehealth Services by Demographics (Q2/19)

Cost as Barrier to Telehealth Services by Demographics (Q2/19)


Publish Date: 4Q 2019

Slides: 61

Authored By:
Jennifer Kent - Vice President, Research
Kristen Hanich - Director of Research
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics

Published by Parks Associates
© November 2019 Parks Associates

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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