Livestreaming: The Next Hot Video Market

Streaming of truly live news, sports, special events, and other content continues to grow significantly in recent years alongside the explosive growth of the OTT market. Services with a variety of content sources are streaming more live content than ever before. Live content has become a key component of many service offerings and a staple of the consumer video portfolio. This research examines consumer uptake of livestreaming video, the different types of live content that drives consumption, and the platforms and services used for this content.

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Survey Methodology and Definitions

Entertainment Video Service Ecosystem

Executive Summary

Use of Livestreamed Content

Use of Livestreamed Content by Household Income and Children at Home

Types of Live Events Watched Online

Average Monthly Time Spent on Online Video Contents

Device Used for Watching Live Online Events by Age

Average Monthly Spending on OTT Services by Livestreaming Access Frequency

Use of Livestreamed Content

Use of Livestreamed Content

Use of Livestreamed Content by Household Income and Children at Home

Major Video Service Subscription by Livestreamers vs Non-Streamers

Average Monthly Spending on OTT Services by Livestreamers vs. Non-Livestreamers

Average Monthly Spending on OTT Services by Livestreaming Access Frequency

Use of Livestreamed Content by Video Service Users

Major OTT Service Subscription by Live Streamers vs Non-Streamers

Type of Live Events Watched Online

Type of Live Events Watched Online by Gender

Number of Live Online Event Types Viewed, in The Past 3 Months

Livestreaming Access by Number of Sports OTT Subscribed

Sports OTT Subscriptions

Livestreaming Access by Sports OTT Subscriptions

Livestreaming Access by Premium Sports Package Subscription

Livestreaming Access Frequency

Frequency of Live Online Event Attendance by Number of Children at Home

Frequency of Live Online Event Viewing by Number of Online Event Types Watched

Livestreaming & Other Types of Content

Average Monthly Time Spent on Online Video Content

Average Monthly Time Allocation by Livestreaming Access Frequency

Average Monthly Time Spent on Online Video Contents by Age

Average Monthly Time Allocation by Adoption Segment

Attitudes Towards Watching Livestreams Online

Attitudes Towards Online Live Event Preferences by Age

Attitudes Towards Watching Livestreams by Access Frequency

Livestreaming Platforms

Device Used to Access Livestreaming

Device Used for Watching Live Online Events by Age

Device Used to Access Livestreaming by Access Frequency


Publish Date: 1Q 2022

Slides: 30

Authored By:
Paul Erickson - Director of Research
Ekemini Usuah - Research Analyst

© March 2022 Parks Associates
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