TV & OTT: Consumer Demand for Original Content

Original content has emerged as a key market differentiator for OTT services as content providers like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu aim to function more as film and television studios. Original sport-form content is also emerging as a valuable marketing tool to build audiences and drive awareness. This report assesses the consumer perception of originals in the television and OTT video space and determines the effectiveness of originals in attracting customers to subscription or ad-based video services.

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Original Content Options: Pay TV Premium Channels and OTT Video

Penetration of Pay-TV Channels / OTT Services with Original Content (Q1/18)

Overlap of Premium TV Channel Subscriptions (Q1/18)

Expectation of Original or Exclusive Content in OTT Service by Price (Q3/18)

Drivers for Content Preferences and Service Use

Reasons Why Consumers Use Particular Channels or OTT Services (Q1/18)

Reasons Why Consumers Use Particular Channels or OTT Services (Q1/18)

Reasons Why Consumers Use Particular Services (Q1/18)

Reasons Why Consumers Use Particular Services (Q1/18)

Original Content as a Driver for Service Use

Importance of Content Type by Service Type (Q1/18)

Importance of Content Type by OTT Services (Q1/18)

Importance of Content Type by Premium Pay TV Channels (Q1/18)

Consumer Perception of Content Quality

Perception of Content Quality on Video Services (Q1/18)

Perception of Content Quality by Importance of Content Type (Q1/18)

Perception of Original Content Quality on OTT Services (Q1/18)

Perception of Content Quality on Pay TV Channels (Q1/18)

Perception of Original Content Quality on OTT Services (Q1/18)

Frequency of Content Viewing: Original, New Release, and Older Content

Frequency of Viewing Programming Types (Q1/18)

Frequency of Viewing Programming Types on Services (Q1/18)

Frequency of Viewing Programming Types on Pay TV Channels (Q1/18)

Frequency of Viewing Original Content on OTT Services (Q1/18)

Frequency of Viewing Content Types Among Those Who Consider Available Content to Be of Good or Poor Quality (Q1/18)

Frequency of Viewing Content Type by Importance of Content Type (Q1/18)

Original Content Lovers in Focus

Original Content: Lovers and Viewers (Q1/18)

Pay-TV and OTT Service Subscription by Original Content Segment (Q1/18)

Original Content Lovers by Annual Household Income (Q1/18)

Original Content Lovers by Service (Q1/18)

Canceled OTT Video Service Subscription in Past 12 Months (Q1/18)

Pay-TV Cord-Cutting Among OTT Video Service Subscribers (Q1/18)

Original Content Genre Preferences

Genre Preferences for Original Content (Q1/18)

Leading Genres of Original Content by Service (Q1/18)

Most Important Genre of Original Content by Gender (Q1/18)

Most Important Genre of Original Content by Race/Ethnicity (Q1/18)

Publish Date: 4Q 2018

Slides: 53

Authored By:
Billy Nayden - Research Analyst
Kristen Hanich - Director of Research
Brett Sappington - Senior Research Director and Principal Analyst
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics

Published by Parks Associates
© October 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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