Safe Space: Elevated Smart Home Use Cases during COVID-19

COVID-19 has caused a rise in consumer awareness and interest in a variety of smart home use cases, most notably those related to health and safety. This research examines aspects of home living that have been reconsidered and actions taken and intended to address them; preferred providers and sources of information on smart home services; special concerns for apartment renters; and interest in smart home solutions segmented by segments such as vacation homeowners, caregivers for an elder, and families with children.

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Survey Methodology and Definitions

Executive Summary

Industry Insight

Consumer Concerns During COVID-19 Crisis

Smart Home Device Ownership by Concern Segments

Concerns about Air Quality

Actions Taken Since COVID-19

Average Additional Monthly Spend for Rental Features

COVID-19 Concerns and Smart Home and Security Use Cases

Concerns During COVID-19 Crisis

Interest in Safety Solutions for Aging Loved Ones

Smart Home Device Ownership

Smart Home Device Ownership by Concern Segments

Smart Energy, Lighting, Water Device Ownership

Smart Safety & Security Device Ownership

Smart Energy, Lighting, Water Device Ownership by Segments

Smart Safety & Security Device Ownership by Concern Segments

Smart Climate Control Device Ownership

Smart Climate Control Device Ownership by Concern Segments

Home Security System Ownership

Home Security System Ownership by Segments with Concerns

Professional Monitoring Service Subscription vs. All Security System Households

Professional Monitoring Service Subscription by Segments with Specific Concerns

Smart Home and Security Purchase Intention

Smart Home Device Purchase Intentions

Smart Home Device Purchase Intentions by Concern Segments

Purchase Intentions: Smart Safety & Security Devices (2014 – 2020)

Purchase Intention: Smart Energy, Lighting, Water Device (2014 – 2020)

‘Highly Likely to Purchase’: Smart Safety & Security Device Intentions by Concern Segments

Purchase Intention: Smart Energy, Lighting, Water Device by Concern Segments

Lifestyle and Home Changes During COVID-19

Home and Lifestyle Changes Reconsidered During COVID-19

Number of Lifestyle Changes Reconsidered Due to COVID-19

Attitudinal Statements by Numbers of Changes Reconsidered Due to COVID-19

Number of Lifestyle Changes Reconsidered by Demographics

Number of Lifestyle Changes Reconsidered by Housing Factors

High Satisfaction with Handling of the COVID-19 Crisis by Service Providers

Actions Taken Since the Emergence of COVID-19

Number of Actions Taken Since COVID-19

Agreement Toward Lifestyle and Purchase by Numbers of Actions Taken Since COVID-19

Number of Actions Taken Since COVID-19 by Demographics

Number of Actions Taken Since COVID-19 by Housing Factors

Likelihood of Taking Home Improvement Actions

Home Improvement Areas

Likelihood of Making Changes in Next 6 Months

Interest in Evaluation for Home Improvement by a Professional

Household Health & Indoor Air Quality

Concerns about Air Quality

Specific IAQ Concerns

Health Conditions Experienced by Household Members

Household Members with Health Conditions Experienced

High Concerns Regarding Air Quality by IAQ Health Conditions

High Concerns about Air Quality by Health Conditions

High Concerns Regarding Air Quality by Demographics

High Concerns Regarding Air Quality by Housing Factors

The MDU Opportunity

Home Ownership by Residence Type

Interest in Rental Features

Willingness to Pay for Rental Features

Willingness to Pay for Rental Features, Cont.

Sizing the MDU Opportunity

Average Additional Monthly Spend for Apartment Rental Features


Publish Date: 2Q 2021

Slides: 70

Authored By:
Dina Abdelrazik - Contributing Analyst
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics

Published by Parks Associates
© May 2021 Parks Associates

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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