Smart Home: Quest for Compelling Use Cases

As the breadth of smart products expands beyond lights, locks, thermostats, and networked cameras, the number of interactions and use cases expands exponentially. While this dramatic expansion of capability opens up new opportunities for differentiation, it also creates challenges for product managers, who must prioritize integrations that create the most value, and marketers, who are grappling with the challenge of marketing long-tail use cases while maintaining a concise, targeted marketing message. This research evaluates the ever-expanding use cases in the smart home and analyzes the priorities for different segments.

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Executive Summary

Industry Insight

Key Findings and Market Impact

Smart Home Segments

Parks Associates Smart Home Segments

Parks Associates Technology Adoption Segments

Smart Product Adoption

Smart Devices: Familiarity, Perceived Value and Affordability (Q4/16)

Smart Home Device Ownership (2014 - 2016)

Smart Home Devices Owned (Q4/16)

Average Number of Owned (Q4/16)

Smart Home System Adoption

Home Control System Ownership (2016)

Smart Home Devices Owned: Product Integration or Stand-alone (Q4/16)

Smart Home Devices: Ownership and Integration (Q4/16)

Voice Control of the Smart Home

Smart Speaker with Personal Assistant: Ownership and Purchase Intention (Q4/16)

Appeal of Using Voice Commands to Control Other Devices (Q4/16)

Overall Functional Use of Personal Assistant Devices/Apps (Q1/17)

Functional Use of Amazon Echo (Q1/17)

Use of Personal Assistant Device/App to Control Smart Home (Q1/17)

Profiling Smart Home Product and System Owners

Smart Home Solution Adoption by Technology Adoption Segment (Q4/16)

Smart Home Solution Adoption by Smart Home Segment (Q4/16)

Smart Home Use Cases

Segment Explanation for Use Cases

Appeal of Access Control, Safety, Security, Energy Monitoring and Management Subsystem Features (Q4/16)

Appeal of Safety Use Cases (Q4/16)

Safety Use Case by Technology Adoption and Smart Home Segments (Q4/16)

Appeal of Security Use Cases (Q4/16)

Security Use Case by Technology Adoption and Smart Home Segments (Q4/16)

Appeal of Access Control Use Cases (Q4/16)

Access Control Use Case by Technology Adoption and Smart Home Segments (Q4/16)

Appeal of Energy Monitoring Use Cases (Q4/16)

Energy Monitoring Use Case by Technology Adoption and Smart Home Segments (Q4/16)

Appeal of Energy Management Use Cases (Q4/16)

Energy Management Use Case by Technology Adoption and Smart Home Segments (Q4/16)

Number of High Appealing Smart Home Features (Q4/16)

Number of High Appealing Smart Home Features by Technology Adoption Segment (Q4/16)

Demographic Profile (Q4/16)

Number of Highly Appealing Use Cases by Category (Q4/16)

TURF Analysis

Optimal Combination of Three Use Cases to Maximize Reach (Q4/16)

Optimal Combination of Security Use Cases to Maximize Reach (Q4/16)

Optimal Combination of Safety Use Cases to Maximize Reach (Q4/16)

Optimal Combination of Access Control Use Cases (Q4/16)

Optimal Combination of Energy Monitoring Use Cases (Q4/16)

Optimal Combination of Energy Management Use Cases (Q4/16)

Bundling Use Cases into Smart Home Subsystems

Appeal of Smart Home Management Subsystems (Q4/16)

% Finding Bundles within a Category Highly Appealing (Q4/16)

Top Ranked Use Case Bundles by Category (Q4/16)

Top Ranked Subsystems by Technology and Smart Home Segment (Q4/16)

Top Ranked Subsystems by Income, Region, Home Type (Q4/16)


Publish Date: 2Q 2017

Slides: 59

Authored By:
Tom Kerber - Senior Director, IoT Strategy and Custom Research
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
David Mitchel - Research Analyst
Katherine Li - Data Analyst

Published by Parks Associates
© May 2017 Parks Associates | Dallas, Texas 75248

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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