The Smart Home: A Room-by-Room Analysis

The average number of connected devices owned by US broadband households continues to climb. This research examines the growing ecosystem of connected products that are emerging in the different rooms throughout broadband households. It examines the preferred devices, use cases, and user interfaces that are unique to each room in the home, highlighting the smart home opportunities for growth inside the home.

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Consumer Analytics: Smart Home Devices and Services Track

Key Questions Answered

Survey Methodology

Defining Heads of Broadband Households

Definitions and Abbreviations

Reading Parks Associates Charts

Executive Summary

Industry Insight

Room-by-Room at a Glance – Top Five Connected Devices by Room

Room-by-Room at a Glance – Smart Home Device Room Penetration

Key Findings and Market Impact

Smart Home Device Ownership

Smart Home Device Ownership (2014 - 2019)

Smart Home Device Adoption – Top 10 (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Adoption, Cont’d (Q2/19)

Smart Appliance Adoption (Q2/19)

Health & Fitness Device Adoption (Q2/19)

Maternal & Baby Connected Device Adoption (Q2/19)

A Room-by-Room Analysis – Research Methodology

Room-by-Room – Research Methodology

Hallway or Entrance

Smart Home Device Landscape – Hallway or Entrance

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Hallway or Entrance

Smart Home Use Cases – Hallway or Entrance

Smart Home Device Placement by Room - Hallway or Entrance (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Placement Intention by Room - Hallway or Entrance (Q2/19)

Living or Family Room

Smart Home Device Landscape – Living or Family Room

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Living or Family Room

Smart Home Use Cases – Living or Family Room

Smart Home Device Placement by Room - Living or Family Room (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Placement Intention by Room - Living or Family Room (Q2/19)


Smart Home Device Landscape – Kitchen

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Kitchen

Smart Home Use Cases – Kitchen

Smart Home Device Placement by Room - Kitchen (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Placement Intention by Room - Kitchen (Q2/19)

Utility or Laundry Room

Smart Home Device Landscape – Utility or Laundry Room

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Utility or Laundry Room

Smart Home Use Cases – Utility or Laundry Room

Smart Home Device Placement by Room - Utility or Laundry Room (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Placement Intention by Room - Utility or Laundry Room (Q2/19)

Master Bedroom

Smart Home Device Landscape – Master Bedroom

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Master Bedroom

Smart Home Use Cases – Master Bedroom

Smart Home Device Placement by Rooms - Master Bedroom (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Placement Intention by Room - Master Bedroom (Q2/19)


Smart Home Device Landscape – Bathroom

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Bathroom

Smart Home Use Cases – Bathroom

Smart Home Device Placement by Room - Bathroom (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Placement Intention by Room - Bathroom (Q2/19)

Other Bedrooms

Smart Home Device Landscape – Other Bedrooms

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Other Bedrooms

Smart Home Use Cases – Other Bedrooms

Smart Home Device Placement by Rooms - Other Bedrooms (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Placement Intention by Room - Other Bedrooms (Q2/19)

Patio or Outdoors

Smart Home Device Landscape – Patio or Outdoors

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Patio or Outdoors

Smart Home Use Cases – Patio or Outdoors

Smart Home Device Placement by Room - Patio or Outdoors (Q2/19)

Smart Home Device Placement Intention by Room - Patio or Outdoors (Q2/19)

Whole Home

Smart Home Device Landscape – Whole Home

Smart Home Brand Landscape – Whole Home

Smart Home Use Cases – Whole Home

Appealing Actions for Wake-up Routine (Q2/19)

Appealing Actions for Away Routine (Q2/19)

Appealing Actions for Bedtime Routine (Q2/19)

Smart Device Preferred Control Method

Preferred Control Method for Smart Home Devices (Q2/19)

Preferred Control Method by Ownership Segment (Q2/19)

Preferred Control Method by Age Group (Q2/19)

Publish Date: 4Q 2019

Slides: 89

Authored By:
Brad Russell - Research Director, Connected Home
Lindsay Gafford - Research Analyst
Savitha Sidharth - Senior Manager, Consumer Analytics
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics

Published by Parks Associates
© October 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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