"pay tv" articles

News from the Wall Street Journal that Amazon is making content inquiries about licensing of linear channels for a streaming pay-TV service shouldn’t be a big surprise. After all, what player in the connected CE and online video space hasn’t looked into that possibility recently? (Content providers must be absolutely giddy about everyone coming out of the woodwork to ask about content licensing.) While Intel and others have tested the waters recently (with Intel finding them...
by Brett Sappington | Jan. 22, 2014
Tags: connected CE, pay TV, second screen, set top
When I was in college, I was a cord-cutter, just as Parks Associates data suggests. The 18-24 crowd is often prone to subscribing to only Internet and neglecting pay-TV in favor of OTT services such as Netflix and Hulu+. Back then, I sat my desktop next to my entertainment center and did everything on the computer using the TV set as a monitor, not just watching movies. There was a wireless keyboard and mouse on the coffee table, and sometimes on the floor, but none of my friends cared....
by Ruby-Ren Bond | Jan. 14, 2014
Tags: cord cutting, OTT, pay TV
A new survey found one-quarter of pay-TV subscribers have tried to watch online video that requires them to "authenticate" their status as a pay-TV subscriber. Authenticated video is one way of providing subscribers access to content via computers, tablets, and smartphones. The upside (from the pay-TV provider's point of view) is that the technological burden of delivering access is shifted onto content provider. The downside is that it makes for a pretty lousy user...
by Julia Homier | Dec. 10, 2013
Tags: Pay TV, smartphones, tablets
Parks Associates has released a new market focus, TV Everywhere Use & Authentication . This research analyzes the use of TV Everywhere services by pay-TV subscribers. It presents the latest tracking data on TV Everywhere awareness and identifies why subscribers are or are not using the features. In addition, it analyzes the use of authenticated video services and the extent to which the authentication process is inhibiting use. This market focus also identifies what features...
by Julia Homier | Oct. 29, 2013
Tags: authentication, Market Focus, pay TV, TV Everywhere
By: Brett Sappington, Director of Research & John Barrett, Director of Research For years, Netflix has sworn that it sees itself as a channel that complements pay-TV service rather than a competitor that displaces it.  However, pay-TV providers have long seen Netflix as a bitter rival and a driver of cord cutting among subscribers. Now, rumors are swirling that Netflix is negotiating deals with major U.S. pay-TV providers whereby the Netflix app will appear on the pay-TV...
by Brett Sappington | Oct. 16, 2013
Tags: OTT, pay tv
Download a copy of  Parks Associates ' complimentary whitepaper, " New Market Realities in Content Delivery ." The ability to meet consumer demands for simplicity, functionality, and affordability is critical.  This whitepaper examines the challenges to CE manufacturers, pay-TV operators, and content providers as they must protect their assets while delivering content services that meet consumer expectations.  Parks Associates research finds...
by Brett Sappington | Jul. 23, 2013
Tags: authentication, pay TV, whitepaper
Parks Associates has released new market focus research entitled, " TV Viewing Habits and the Challenge of Young Nonsubscribers. "   The research examines the viewing habits of Millennials and their attitudes toward pay-TV services.  It provides a comprehensive overview of consumer trends for TV and OTT services, complete analysis of the factors driving cord cutting, and recommendations for pay-TV providers.   Parks Associates finds that 30...
by Julia Homier | Jul. 18, 2013
Tags: millennials, OTT, pay TV
On Thursday June 27, 2013, Parks Associates ' Brett Sappington and Viaccess-Orca's Haggai Barel will present a webcast entitled "Operators' Survival Guide, Episode 2: Show Me the Money."  This webcast will address trends in the evolution of video services monetization and present steps that operators should take to develop successful monetization strategies by leveraging the personalization and socialization demands of consumers.  Parks Associates research shows...
by Parks Associates | Jun. 21, 2013
Tags: Pay TV, personalization, Webcast

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