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Smart Watches and Wearables Market Assessment

Smart Watches consumer research

Table of Contents

Survey Methodology and Definitions

Respondent Quotas: Age, Income, Education, Gender

Defining the Wearables Market

Executive Summary

Household Adoption of Wearables

Smart Watch Purchase Channel

Intent to Purchase Wearables in Next 6 Months

Interest in Add-on Subscriptions Among Purchase Intenders

Top Use Cases for Wearables Among Subscription Intenders

Industry Benchmarks

Smart Watch Ownership

Growing Brand Adoption

Smart Watch Purchase Intention

Brand Consumer Intend to Buy

Top Market Players

Other Players of Note

New Features Driving Smart Watch Adoption

% of Prospective Buyers Who Would Pay More for a Model with Listed Features

Smart Watch Product Forecast – United States

Adoption by US Broadband Households

Purchases by US Broadband Households

Market Landscape

Household Adoption of Wearables

Adoption by Head of Household

Adoption: Smart Watches, Fitness Trackers, GPS Sports Watches by Age, Income, Gender

Average Number of Days Per Month Spent on Health and Fitness Activities

Ownership of Wearables by Smartphone OS

Ownership of Brands by Smartphone OS

Wearable Brand Owned by Head of Household

Wearables Model Owned And Used: Apple Watch Owners, Fitbit Owners, Samsung Owners

Apple and Samsung Wearables Adopters: Age, Gender, Income

Adoption of Multiple Brands

Primary Wearable Brands

Purchase Journey

Wearables Purchase Channel: Smart Watch, Fitness Tracker, GPS Sports Watch

Intent to Purchase Wearables in Next 6 Months

Wearable Repeat Purchase

Current Wearables Shoppers, Among Intenders

Most Considered Wearable Brand

Wearable Current Shopper by Age of Respondents

Wearable Current Shopper by Household Income

Brands Considered for Purchase by Wearables Owners

Adoption Barriers

Top Barriers by Age

Top Barriers by Income

Top Barriers by Gender

Top Barriers by Adopter Segment

Use Cases

Why Owners Use Their Wearables

Differences in Use Cases Among Those Age…

Differences in Use Cases Among HHs Earning…

Differences in Use Cases Among…

Why Consumers Use Their Wearable Brand

Willingness to Pay For Features in Next Wearable

Interest in $10 Cellular Plan for Smart Watch

Interest in $10 At-Home Fitness Program

Who Are Cellular Smart Watch Intenders?: Key Demographics & Use Cases

Who Are Fitness Subscription Intenders?

PERS Adoption Among Consumers

Consumer Attitudes

Wearables Owners’ Beliefs About Wearables Products: US BB HHs, Smart Watch Owners, Fitness Tracker Owners, GPS Sports Watch Owners

Brand Owners’ Beliefs About Wearables Products: US BB HHs, Apple Watch Owners, Fitbit Owners, Samsung Owners

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