Alerts and Alarms: Consumer Perceptions of Security Event Management

This study explores consumer attitudes, preferences, and experiences in security event management among households with professional monitoring. It presents consumer perceptions on alerts (false/true), monitoring station response, first responder response, municipal fines, video verification, AI-enabled chat verification, and support agents working from home. Consumer segments include all system owners and interactive service owners experiencing a security event in the past few years.

Price: $12,000.00

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Survey Methodology and Definitions

Respondent Quotas: Age, Income, Education, Gender

Executive Summary

Home Security System Ownership

Among owners and intenders, Most Important Conditions for Security System Detection (After Intrusion in Home)

Among security system owners experiencing an issue

Security System NPS Segments

Alerted Effectively During Event

Attitudes Towards Monitoring Company Performance During Event

Response Speed of Security Monitoring Company by Consumer Perceived Speed Segments

“Too many false alarms” by Number of Times Experiencing a False Alarm in the Last 12 Months

Security System Adoption and Monitoring

Home Security System Ownership

Security System Ownership by Demographic Factors

Interactive Security Systems

Professional Monitoring Service Subscription

Home Security System Monitoring

Households with Self-Monitored Security Systems

Self-Monitored Security System Owners Who Pay for Self-Monitoring

Security System Ownership at Additional Properties

Secondary Property Professional Monitoring Service Subscription

Most Important Conditions for Security System Detection (After Intrusion in Home)

Important Conditions for Security System Detection by Demographic Factors

Most Important Features of Security System

Frequency of Using Security System

Frequency of Usage by Adopter Segment

Security Event Types

Personal Security Events Experienced

Personal Attitudes Regarding Security System Alert Effectiveness

Security System Response to Security Event

Security System Alert Effectiveness by Security Events Experienced

The Monitoring Service's Response

Security System NPS Segments

Attitudes Towards Security Monitoring Company Offering Security Notification

Attitudes Towards Security Monitoring Company Offering Security Notification By NPS Segments

Alert Effectiveness and Response Times

Effectiveness of Security Alerting Methods

Synergy Between Security Monitoring Service and Emergency Responders

Response Speed of Security Monitoring Company

Response Speed of Security Monitoring Company by Consumer Perceived Speed Segments

Response Speed of Security Monitoring Company by NPS Segments

Consumer Perceptions of Responder Speed: Agreement with "The Emergency Responders Arrived As Quickly As I Expected"

Interest in Video Verification and Access Control Features

Value of Video Verification Security Service

Value of Access Control Security Service

Demand and Preferences for New Alerts

Interest of Events Alerts

Preferred Device for Alerts by Smart Home Device Owners & Service Subscribers

Preferred Device for Alerts by Age of Security System Owners

Preferred Device for Alerts by Technology Adoption Segment

Preferred Alert Forms of Security Events on Various Devices

False Alarm Triggers and User Experience

Number of Times the Security System Triggered a False Alarm in Past 12 Months

Experiences Regarding Security System False Alarms

"Too many false alarms" by Number of Times Experiencing a False Alarm in the Last 12 Months

Causes of Security False Alarms

Users Causing Security False Alarms

Type of User Error Occurred

Experiences Regarding Security System False Alarms by Professional Monitoring Service NPS Segments

Number of Fines Paid for False Alarms

Cost of Fines Paid for False Alarms


Publish Date: 4Q 2021

Slides: 64

Authored By:
Jennifer Kent - Vice President, Research
Chris White - Research Director
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
Sharon Jiang - Consumer Insights Analyst II
Xiaofan Tan - Consumer Insights Analyst II

Published by Parks Associates
© December 2021 Parks Associates

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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