Streaming Video Products: Platform Wars

This research investigates consumer use and adoption of various streaming video platforms, including smart TVs, streaming media players, and gaming consoles, but also mobile devices, PCs, and set-top boxes from pay-TV providers. It identifies top use cases for these devices, comparing and contrasting their user bases and their service subscriptions.

Price: $12,000.00

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Survey Methodology and Definitions

Key Terms and Definitions

Executive Summary

Industry Insight

Adoption of Streaming Video Products

Primary Streaming Video Device Platform

Primary Streaming Video Products

Weekly Hours Performing Activities on Primary Streaming Video Device

Future Purchase Intention of Streaming Video Products (2015 - 2021)

Overview of the Streaming Video Device Market

Adoption of Streaming Video Products

Adoption of Top Connected Entertainment Platforms

Primary Streaming Video Device Platform

Impact of Ecosystem on Platform Adoption by Smartphone OS

Impact of Ecosystem on Platform Adoption by Smart Speaker/Smart Display Brands

Top Streaming Platforms Adoption by Age

Top Streaming Platforms Adoption by Income

Primary Streaming Video Products

Most-used Streaming Video Products: Owners vs US BB HHs

Primary Streaming Video Device Platform Among Brand Users

Primary Streaming Video Product Representation by Hardware Type and Streaming Platform

Perceptions of Streaming Media Players vs Smart TVs

Feature Preferences and Voice Control

Features Preferred for Smart TVs over SMPs

Features Preferred for SMPs over Smart TVs

Features Preferred for SMPs over Smart TVs by SMP Brands

Features Preferred for Smart TVs over SMPs by TV Platforms

Video Communication on TVs

Video Communication Using TV by Demographics

Use of Voice Control for Entertainment by Primary Streaming Video Products

Reasons for Not Using Voice Control by Selected Streaming Video Products

Performance of Voice Control Task by Selected Streaming Video Products

Consumer Purchasing Behaviors and Intentions for Select Product Categories

Streaming Video Products Purchased in the Last 12 Months (2015-2021)

Future Purchase Intention of Streaming Video Products (2015 - 2021)

Brand of Smart TV Purchased

Brand of Smart TV Considered

Brand of Streaming Media Player Purchased

Brand of Streaming Media Player Considered

Brand of Gaming Console Considered

Brand of Gaming Console Purchased

Importance of Product Features When Purchasing

Importance of Tested Features When Buying Future TV by Age Groups (Q3/20)

Importance of Tested Features When Buying Future TV by Income (Q3/20)

Importance of Tested Features When Buying Future SMP by Age Group (Q3/20)

Importance of Tested Features When Buying Future SMP by Income (Q3/20)

Importance of Tested Features When Buying Future Gaming Console by Age Group (Q3/20)

Importance of Tested Features When Buying Future Gaming Console by Income (Q3/20)

Impact of Streaming Video Product Adoption on Service Usage and Subscription

Top 9 Apps Used on a Big Screen

Apps Used on a Big Screen, Cont.

Weekly Hours Performing Activities on Primary Streaming Video Device

Weekly Hours Performing Activities on Top Streaming Platform

Weekly Hours Gaming Hours Spent by Device

Subscription to Video Service via Primary Streaming Video Device

Subscription to Video Service via Primarily Used Platform

Appeal of Game Subscription Service by Device Owners (Q3/20)


Defining Heads of Broadband Households

Reading Parks Associates Charts

Publish Date: 4Q 2021

Slides: 60

Authored By:
Paul Erickson - Director of Research
Xiaofan Tan - Consumer Insights Analyst II
Yilan Jiang - Senior Director of Consumer Analytics
Sharon Jiang - Consumer Insights Analyst II

Published by Parks Associates
© October 2021 Parks Associates

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct. We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.

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