"social wellness" articles

Energy costs are rising, and large-scale blackouts are making headlines around the US. Consumers and energy providers are looking for ways to reduce costs and manage peaks that lead to grid instability and power outages. HVAC remains the largest load in private households, so it remains the logical target for improved management, and smart thermostats are the best tool commonly available today for that management task. AEP Ohio and their regional partner PJM Interconnection...
by Elizabeth Parks | Aug. 18, 2022
Tags: energy, social wellness, thermostats
After email and video communications, cloud storage services are the next most common tool used by remote workforces. These solutions enhance collaboration beyond traditional, thread-based file exchange capabilities, adding centralized data backup, coordinated sharing among teams, and version control history for concurrent editing. As with videoconferencing, platforms like Apple iCloud, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive were already familiar to most remote workers pre-pandemic, having...
Parks Associates’ continues its ninth-annual Connected Health Summit: Consumer Engagement and Innovation  with the virtual session, Telehealth and Remote Monitoring: Health to Home , on Thursday, March 24, from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM CT.  Iris Berman , Vice President, Telehealth Service,  Northwell Health will be featured for the interactive panel Telehealth Use and Growth at  11:15 AM CT, which addresses the shifts in the telehealth experience as the...
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the healthcare ecosystem on its head. The outbreak led to sharp decreases for in-person visits and the delay of elective care procedures, due both to official public safety measures and consumer’s avoidance of exposure. Care providers and health systems have leaned on technology to provide much needed care to patients at home, through telehealth consultations and remote patient monitoring programs.  Parks Associates data reveal that telehealth use...

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