Thursday, June 16, 2016

Parks Associates Whitepaper: Video operators face new security risks as they develop data analytics strategies for the connected home

26% of U.S. broadband households have privacy and security concerns when using connected CE devices

A new Parks Associates whitepaper, sponsored by Verimatrix, reveals approximately one-fourth of U.S. broadband households are concerned about their privacy and security when using connected CE devices. The complimentary whitepaper, Securing the Integrity of Video Analytics Data, notes that video service operators, under pressure to provide a personalized experience to viewers, are expanding their video data analytics strategies to deliver desired content to their subscribers. In doing so, they experience several new risk factors impacting the privacy of their customers and integrity of the data caused by cloud connectivity, multivendor environments, and vulnerability to savvy hackers.

“Operators are facing new operating and security risks due to an increasingly connected ecosystem, especially as the breadth and depth of the data collected are growing,” said Glenn Hower, Research Analyst, Parks Associates.“Several high-profile hacking incidents, including breaches at Vizio and Cox Communications, have enhanced consumer awareness of the new privacy risks in connected environments – and they expect their vendors to secure their data. Securing video analytics data must be a constant priority, not a periodic responsibility, to maintain consumer confidence and ensure the integrity of today’s connected home.”

Privacy and Security Concerns

“In our increasingly connected and virtualized world, managing network operations has become quite complex. Service providers are turning to their trusted technology ecosystems to help determine the most effective way to leverage the surge in big data assets,” said Petr Peterka, CTO, Verimatrix. “A comprehensive secure video analytics platform can not only protect consumer’s privacy and ensure compliance with local regulations, but also protect the integrity of the data, which ultimately increases the value of that data.”

Parks Associates research from The Demand for Device & Network Security shows 47% of U.S. broadband households are concerned their private information stored on connected devices could be made public and 47% of U.S. broadband households are worried companies will sell their personal information. More than 40% of U.S. broadband households are interested in services that protect privacy and manage online consumer information.

“Ultimately, protecting customer information is not just about protecting the customer but also protecting the operators’ investments in video analytics data,” Hower said. “Younger consumers in particular are open to sharing their data in exchange for certain benefits, but a security breach would reduce their trust in their video service provider. Diminished trust would therefore reduce the ability of vendors, partners, and advertisers to provide valuable analytics information and insight.”

Securing the Integrity of Video Analytics Data, informed by a series of recent in-depth interviews with key decision makers in the video service operator industry, addresses the following key areas for operators:

  • Value of data in creating new video services 
  • New risks for operators
  • Consumer privacy and security concerns
  • Complexity created by the expanding consumer-based IoT
  • Operator strategies to develop robust data security systems, including the benefits of internal development versus outsourcing security solutions

To download the whitepaper, visit To schedule an analyst interview with an analyst or to request specific data, contact Holly Sprague at [email protected], 720.987.6614.

About Parks Associates: Parks Associates, a woman-founded and certified business, is an internationally recognized market research and consulting company specializing in emerging consumer technology products and services. Founded in 1986, Parks Associates provides business intelligence and research services through its proprietary methodologies developed over decades, including quarterly surveys of 10,000 internet households.

The company's expertise crosses many industries: home security and smart home, streaming video, broadband and pay-TV services, digital media and platforms, gaming, Wi-Fi and home networks, connected health, support, consumer electronics, home control systems, energy management, and tech solutions for the multi-dwelling (MDU), small-to-medium business (SMB), and commercial building markets.

Each year, Parks Associates brings thousands of leaders together for its webinars and annual events. The firm hosts the annual executive research and strategy conferences CONNECTIONS™, Connected Health Summit, Smart Energy Summit, Smart Spaces, and Future of Video.

About Verimatrix

Verimatrixspecializes in securing and enhancing revenue for multi-network, multi-screen digital TV services around the globe and is recognized as the global number one in revenue security for connected video devices. The award-winning and independently audited Verimatrix Video Content Authority System (VCAS™) family of solutions enable next-generation video service providers to cost-effectively extend their networks and enable new business models. The company has continued its technical innovation by offering the world's only globally interconnected revenue security platform, Verspective™ Intelligence Center, for automated system optimization and data collection/analytics.

Its unmatched partner ecosystemand close relationship with major studios, broadcasters and standards organizations enables Verimatrix to provide a unique advantage to video business issues beyond content security as operators introduce new services to leverage the proliferation of connected devices. Verimatrix is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. For more information, please visit, our Pay TV Views blogand follow us @verimatrixinc, Facebookand LinkedIn to join the conversation.

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